
molar mass of nickel(II) ions

Input interpretation

nickel(II) ions | molar mass
nickel(II) ions | molar mass


hexaamminenickel(II) cation | 160.88 g/mol (grams per mole) hexaaquanickel(II) cation | 166.78 g/mol (grams per mole) nickel(II) cation | 58.6923 g/mol (grams per mole)
hexaamminenickel(II) cation | 160.88 g/mol (grams per mole) hexaaquanickel(II) cation | 166.78 g/mol (grams per mole) nickel(II) cation | 58.6923 g/mol (grams per mole)
nickel(II) ions | molar mass | 160.88 g/mol (grams per mole) (median)
nickel(II) ions | molar mass | 160.88 g/mol (grams per mole) (median)

Ranked values

 | | visual | ratios |  3 | nickel(II) cation | | 0.35191 | 1 2 | hexaamminenickel(II) cation | | 0.9646 | 2.741 1 | hexaaquanickel(II) cation | | 1 | 2.8416
| | visual | ratios | 3 | nickel(II) cation | | 0.35191 | 1 2 | hexaamminenickel(II) cation | | 0.9646 | 2.741 1 | hexaaquanickel(II) cation | | 1 | 2.8416

Unit conversion for median molar mass 160.88 g/mol

0.16088 kg/mol (kilograms per mole)
0.16088 kg/mol (kilograms per mole)

Comparisons for median molar mass 160.88 g/mol

 ≈ ( 0.22 ≈ 1/4 ) × molar mass of fullerene ( ≈ 721 g/mol )
≈ ( 0.22 ≈ 1/4 ) × molar mass of fullerene ( ≈ 721 g/mol )
 ≈ 0.83 × molar mass of caffeine ( ≈ 194 g/mol )
≈ 0.83 × molar mass of caffeine ( ≈ 194 g/mol )
 ≈ 2.8 × molar mass of sodium chloride ( ≈ 58 g/mol )
≈ 2.8 × molar mass of sodium chloride ( ≈ 58 g/mol )

Corresponding quantities

Mass of a molecule m from m = M/N_A:  | 2.7×10^-22 grams  | 2.7×10^-25 kg (kilograms)  | 161 u (unified atomic mass units)  | 161 Da (daltons)
Mass of a molecule m from m = M/N_A: | 2.7×10^-22 grams | 2.7×10^-25 kg (kilograms) | 161 u (unified atomic mass units) | 161 Da (daltons)
Relative molecular mass M_r from M_r = M_u/M:  | 161
Relative molecular mass M_r from M_r = M_u/M: | 161