
molar heat of combustion of halogenated compounds

Input interpretation

halogenated compounds | molar heat of combustion
halogenated compounds | molar heat of combustion

Molar heat of combustion rankings

1 | methyl chloride | 6551 kJ/mol (based on 1 values; 19 unavailable)
1 | methyl chloride | 6551 kJ/mol (based on 1 values; 19 unavailable)

Unit conversions for median molar heat of combustion 6551 kJ/mol

6.551 MJ/mol (megajoules per mole)
6.551 MJ/mol (megajoules per mole)
6.551×10^6 J/mol (joules per mole)
6.551×10^6 J/mol (joules per mole)
1566 kcal/mol (thermochemical kilocalories per mole)
1566 kcal/mol (thermochemical kilocalories per mole)
67.9 eV (molar electronvolts)
67.9 eV (molar electronvolts)