

Input interpretation

fornacite (mineral)
fornacite (mineral)



General properties

alternate names | furnacite formula | Pb_2Cu(CrO_4)(AsO_4)(OH) discovery year | 1915
alternate names | furnacite formula | Pb_2Cu(CrO_4)(AsO_4)(OH) discovery year | 1915

Basic properties

density | 6.27 g/cm^3 transparency | transparent | translucent birefringence | 0.1 luster | vitreous | glassy Mohs hardness | 5/2 = 2.5 streak | greenish yellow magnetism | nonmagnetic color | green | yellow | olive green | greenish yellow fracture | conchoidal molar mass | 749.9 g/mol (grams per mole)
density | 6.27 g/cm^3 transparency | transparent | translucent birefringence | 0.1 luster | vitreous | glassy Mohs hardness | 5/2 = 2.5 streak | greenish yellow magnetism | nonmagnetic color | green | yellow | olive green | greenish yellow fracture | conchoidal molar mass | 749.9 g/mol (grams per mole)


Mineral identifiers

Strunz ID | VI/F.02-20 Dana ID | ICSD number | ICSD26828
Strunz ID | VI/F.02-20 Dana ID | ICSD number | ICSD26828

Crystallographic properties

crystal system | monoclinic crystal class | 2/m unit cell volume | 776.3 Å^3 (cubic ångströms) d-spacing | 2.88 Å (ångströms) | 2.98 Å (ångströms) | 3.31 Å (ångströms) intensity | 100% | 100% | 100% molecules per unit cell | 4 molecules per cell refractive indices | 2.14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 dispersion | strong unit cell lengths | 7.91 Å (ångströms) | 5.91 Å (ångströms) | 17.46 Å (ångströms) unit cell angles | 90° (degrees) | 108° (degrees) | 90° (degrees)
crystal system | monoclinic crystal class | 2/m unit cell volume | 776.3 Å^3 (cubic ångströms) d-spacing | 2.88 Å (ångströms) | 2.98 Å (ångströms) | 3.31 Å (ångströms) intensity | 100% | 100% | 100% molecules per unit cell | 4 molecules per cell refractive indices | 2.14 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 dispersion | strong unit cell lengths | 7.91 Å (ångströms) | 5.91 Å (ångströms) | 17.46 Å (ångströms) unit cell angles | 90° (degrees) | 108° (degrees) | 90° (degrees)

Wikipedia summary

Fornacite is a rare lead, copper chromate arsenate hydroxide mineral with the formula: Pb_2Cu(CrO_4)(AsO_4)(OH). It forms a series with the phosphate mineral vauquelinite. It forms variably green to yellow, translucent to transparent crystals in the monoclinic - prismatic crystal system. It has a Mohs hardness of 2.3 and a specific gravity of 6.27.
Fornacite is a rare lead, copper chromate arsenate hydroxide mineral with the formula: Pb_2Cu(CrO_4)(AsO_4)(OH). It forms a series with the phosphate mineral vauquelinite. It forms variably green to yellow, translucent to transparent crystals in the monoclinic - prismatic crystal system. It has a Mohs hardness of 2.3 and a specific gravity of 6.27.