
how much does a gallon of water weigh

Input interpretation

convert 1 gal of water to weight
convert 1 gal of water to weight


3.785 kg (kilograms)
3.785 kg (kilograms)

Possible intermediate steps

Convert from gallons into kilograms: 1 gal of H_2O (water) Convert from gallons to cubic centimeters using the relation 1 gallon = 3785 cm^3 (cubic centimeters): (1 gal)/1 × (3785 cm^3)/(1 gal) = 3785 cm^3 Convert to grams using the density 1 g/cm^3 (gram per cubic centimeter) at STP of H_2O: (3785 cm^3)/1 × (1 g)/(1 cm^3) = 3785 g Convert to kilograms using the relation 1000 g (grams) = 1 kg (kilogram): Answer: |   | (3785 g)/1 × (1 kg)/(1000 g) = 3.785 kg
Convert from gallons into kilograms: 1 gal of H_2O (water) Convert from gallons to cubic centimeters using the relation 1 gallon = 3785 cm^3 (cubic centimeters): (1 gal)/1 × (3785 cm^3)/(1 gal) = 3785 cm^3 Convert to grams using the density 1 g/cm^3 (gram per cubic centimeter) at STP of H_2O: (3785 cm^3)/1 × (1 g)/(1 cm^3) = 3785 g Convert to kilograms using the relation 1000 g (grams) = 1 kg (kilogram): Answer: | | (3785 g)/1 × (1 kg)/(1000 g) = 3.785 kg

Unit conversions

8.345 lb (pounds)
8.345 lb (pounds)
8 pounds 5.526 ounces
8 pounds 5.526 ounces
3785 grams
3785 grams

Comparisons as mass

 ≈ 1.5 × mass of the book A New Kind of Science ( ≈ 88 oz )
≈ 1.5 × mass of the book A New Kind of Science ( ≈ 88 oz )
 ≈ 6.1 × NBA basketball mass ( 22 oz )
≈ 6.1 × NBA basketball mass ( 22 oz )
 ≈ 8.8 × FIFA soccer ball mass ( 410 to 450 g )
≈ 8.8 × FIFA soccer ball mass ( 410 to 450 g )


fabric mass
fabric mass
food mass
food mass

Corresponding quantities

Weight w of a body from w = mg:  | 37 N (newtons)  | 3.712×10^6 dynes  | 3785 ponds  | 8.3 lbf (pounds-force)  | 0.26 slugf (slugs-force)
Weight w of a body from w = mg: | 37 N (newtons) | 3.712×10^6 dynes | 3785 ponds | 8.3 lbf (pounds-force) | 0.26 slugf (slugs-force)
Volume V of water from V = m/ρ_(H_2O):  | 3.8 L (liters)  | 3785 cm^3 (cubic centimeters)  | 1 gallon  | 8 pints  | (assuming maximum water density ≈ 1000 kg/m^3)
Volume V of water from V = m/ρ_(H_2O): | 3.8 L (liters) | 3785 cm^3 (cubic centimeters) | 1 gallon | 8 pints | (assuming maximum water density ≈ 1000 kg/m^3)