
melting point of oxygen

Input interpretation

oxygen | melting point
oxygen | melting point


-218.3 °C (degrees Celsius)
-218.3 °C (degrees Celsius)

Unit conversions

54.8 K (kelvins)
54.8 K (kelvins)
-360.9 °F (degrees Fahrenheit)
-360.9 °F (degrees Fahrenheit)
98.7 °R (degrees Rankine)
98.7 °R (degrees Rankine)
-174.6 °Ré (degrees Réaumur)
-174.6 °Ré (degrees Réaumur)
-107.1 °Rø (degrees Rømer)
-107.1 °Rø (degrees Rømer)

Comparisons as temperature

8.2 °C below melting point of nitrogen (-210.1 °C)
8.2 °C below melting point of nitrogen (-210.1 °C)
2 °C above mean temperature of Neptune (53 K)
2 °C above mean temperature of Neptune (53 K)
21.9 °C above critical point of hydrogen (32.97 K)
21.9 °C above critical point of hydrogen (32.97 K)

Corresponding quantities

Thermodynamic energy E from E = kT:  | 4.7 meV (millielectronvolts)
Thermodynamic energy E from E = kT: | 4.7 meV (millielectronvolts)
Blackbody energy flux Φ from Φ = σT^4:  | 0.51 W/m^2 (watts per square meter)
Blackbody energy flux Φ from Φ = σT^4: | 0.51 W/m^2 (watts per square meter)

Thermodynamic properties

phase at STP | gas melting point | -218.3 °C (rank: 98th) boiling point | -182.9 °C (rank: 88th) critical temperature | 154.59 K (rank: 15th) critical pressure | 5.043 MPa (rank: 16th) molar heat of fusion | 0.222 kJ/mol (rank: 92nd) molar heat of vaporization | 3.41 kJ/mol (rank: 89th) specific heat at STP | 919 J/(kg K) (rank: 11th) adiabatic index | 7/5 (rank: 1st) (properties at standard conditions)
phase at STP | gas melting point | -218.3 °C (rank: 98th) boiling point | -182.9 °C (rank: 88th) critical temperature | 154.59 K (rank: 15th) critical pressure | 5.043 MPa (rank: 16th) molar heat of fusion | 0.222 kJ/mol (rank: 92nd) molar heat of vaporization | 3.41 kJ/mol (rank: 89th) specific heat at STP | 919 J/(kg K) (rank: 11th) adiabatic index | 7/5 (rank: 1st) (properties at standard conditions)