Input information
absolute humidity | air pressure | 0.87 atm (atmospheres) dry bulb temperature | 32 °C (degrees Celsius) relative humidity | 50%
absolute humidity | 16.9 g of water/m^3 of moist air | 0.001055 lb of water/ft^3 of moist air | 7.386 gr of water/ft^3 of moist air
Additional specifications for humidity
humidity ratio | 0.01733 kg of water/kg of dry air specific humidity | 0.01703 kg of water/kg of moist air
Additional thermodynamic properties of moist air
density | 0.9964 kg/m^3 (kilograms per cubic meter) molar volume | 0.02927 m^3/mol (cubic meters per mole) specific enthalpy | 76.48 kJ/kg (kilojoules per kilogram) specific entropy | 0.3107 kJ/(kg K) (kilojoules per kilogram kelvin) speed of sound | 348.57 m/s (meters per second) isobaric heat capacity | 1.022 kJ/(kg K) (kilojoules per kilogram kelvin) isochoric heat capacity | 0.7759 kJ/(kg K) (kilojoules per kilogram kelvin) viscosity | 1.853×10^-5 Pa s (pascal seconds) thermal conductivity | 0.0265 W/(m K) (watts per meter kelvin difference) thermal diffusivity | 2.593×10^-5 m^2/s (square meters per second) molecular weight | 28.67 g/mol (grams per mole)