
discovery country of yttrium

Input interpretation

yttrium | discovery country
yttrium | discovery country




full name | Republic of Finland full native names | Suomen Tasavalta | Republiken Finland native name | Suomi nationality name | Finnish ISO name | FINLAND country code | FI internet code | .fi UN code | FIN UN number | 246 calling code | +358 license plate code | FIN
full name | Republic of Finland full native names | Suomen Tasavalta | Republiken Finland native name | Suomi nationality name | Finnish ISO name | FINLAND country code | FI internet code | .fi UN code | FIN UN number | 246 calling code | +358 license plate code | FIN





Geographic properties

total area | 338145 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 66th) land area | 303815 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 72nd) continent | Europe
total area | 338145 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 66th) land area | 303815 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 72nd) continent | Europe
annual-crop land fraction | 7.403% (world rank: 136th) natural resources | chrome | copper | gold | iron | lead | nickel | silver | stone | timber | zinc coastline length | 1250 km (kilometers) (world rank: 78th) highest point | 1328 meters (Mount Haltia) lowest point | 0 meters (Baltic Sea) time zones | UTC + 2
annual-crop land fraction | 7.403% (world rank: 136th) natural resources | chrome | copper | gold | iron | lead | nickel | silver | stone | timber | zinc coastline length | 1250 km (kilometers) (world rank: 78th) highest point | 1328 meters (Mount Haltia) lowest point | 0 meters (Baltic Sea) time zones | UTC + 2

Bordering countries/regions

Russia | Norway | Sweden 1313 km (kilometers) | 727 km (kilometers) | 614 km (kilometers)
Russia | Norway | Sweden 1313 km (kilometers) | 727 km (kilometers) | 614 km (kilometers)


Aland Islands
Aland Islands


population | 5.53 million people (world rank: 116th) (2019 estimate) population density | 18.2 people/km^2 (people per square kilometer) (world rank: 206th) (2019 estimate) population growth | 0.0868 %/yr (world rank: 200th) (2019 estimate) life expectancy | 81.1 years (world rank: 34th) (2018 estimate) median age | 42.5 years (world rank: 15th) (2015 estimate)
population | 5.53 million people (world rank: 116th) (2019 estimate) population density | 18.2 people/km^2 (people per square kilometer) (world rank: 206th) (2019 estimate) population growth | 0.0868 %/yr (world rank: 200th) (2019 estimate) life expectancy | 81.1 years (world rank: 34th) (2018 estimate) median age | 42.5 years (world rank: 15th) (2015 estimate)


annual births | 59749 people per year (world rank: 133rd) (2017 estimate) birth rate fraction | 0.0108 people per person per year (world rank: 186th) (2017 estimate) annual deaths | 54009 people per year (world rank: 103rd) (2017 estimate) death rate fraction | 0.00978 people per person per year (world rank: 43rd) (2017 estimate) net migration per capita | +0.002542 people per person per year (world rank: 37th) (2017 estimate) total fertility rate | 1.65 children per female (world rank: 184th) (2016 estimate)
annual births | 59749 people per year (world rank: 133rd) (2017 estimate) birth rate fraction | 0.0108 people per person per year (world rank: 186th) (2017 estimate) annual deaths | 54009 people per year (world rank: 103rd) (2017 estimate) death rate fraction | 0.00978 people per person per year (world rank: 43rd) (2017 estimate) net migration per capita | +0.002542 people per person per year (world rank: 37th) (2017 estimate) total fertility rate | 1.65 children per female (world rank: 184th) (2016 estimate)


 | child | adult | elderly | all male | 8.062% | 30.95% | 10.24% | 49.24% female | 8.309% | 31.9% | 10.55% | 50.76% all | 16.37% | 62.84% | 20.79% | 100%
| child | adult | elderly | all male | 8.062% | 30.95% | 10.24% | 49.24% female | 8.309% | 31.9% | 10.55% | 50.76% all | 16.37% | 62.84% | 20.79% | 100%

Cultural properties

languages | Finnish (89%) | Swedish (5.6%) | Finnish Tornedalen (0.57%) | Karelian (0.19%) | Estonian (0.11%) | Romani Kalo Finnish (0.1%) | Livvi (0.098%) | Finnish Sign Language (0.095%) | North Saami (0.038%) | Finnish Swedish Sign Language (< 0.01%) | ... ethnic mix | Finn (93.4%) | Swede (5.6%) | Russian (0.5%) | Estonian (0.3%) | Roma (0.1%) | Sami (0.1%) religions | Christianity (90%) | Islam (0.3%) literacy rate | 100% (2000 estimate)
languages | Finnish (89%) | Swedish (5.6%) | Finnish Tornedalen (0.57%) | Karelian (0.19%) | Estonian (0.11%) | Romani Kalo Finnish (0.1%) | Livvi (0.098%) | Finnish Sign Language (0.095%) | North Saami (0.038%) | Finnish Swedish Sign Language (< 0.01%) | ... ethnic mix | Finn (93.4%) | Swede (5.6%) | Russian (0.5%) | Estonian (0.3%) | Roma (0.1%) | Sami (0.1%) religions | Christianity (90%) | Islam (0.3%) literacy rate | 100% (2000 estimate)

Ethnic mix

Cultural properties Ethnic mix
Cultural properties Ethnic mix


Cultural properties Religions
Cultural properties Religions

Capital city

Helsinki, Uusimaa
Helsinki, Uusimaa

Largest cities

city | population Helsinki, Uusimaa | 628208 people Espoo, Uusimaa | 269802 people Tampere, Pirkanmaa | 225118 people Vantaa, Uusimaa | 214605 people Oulu, Northern Ostrobothnia | 191237 people Turku, Finland Proper | 187604 people Jyvaskyla, Central Finland | 132062 people Lahti, Päijänne Tavastia | 118119 people Kuopio, Northern Savonia | 90960 people Kouvola, Kymenlaakso | 87567 people (2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2016 estimates)
city | population Helsinki, Uusimaa | 628208 people Espoo, Uusimaa | 269802 people Tampere, Pirkanmaa | 225118 people Vantaa, Uusimaa | 214605 people Oulu, Northern Ostrobothnia | 191237 people Turku, Finland Proper | 187604 people Jyvaskyla, Central Finland | 132062 people Lahti, Päijänne Tavastia | 118119 people Kuopio, Northern Savonia | 90960 people Kouvola, Kymenlaakso | 87567 people (2007, 2008, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2015, and 2016 estimates)


currency unit | €1 (euro) currency code | EUR currency conversion | €1 (euro) = $1.18 (US dollars)
currency unit | €1 (euro) currency code | EUR currency conversion | €1 (euro) = $1.18 (US dollars)

Economic properties

GDP | $268.8 billion per year (world rank: 46th) (2019 estimate) GDP at parity | $283.3 billion per year (world rank: 60th) (2019 estimate) real GDP | $271.8 billion per year (world rank: 43rd) (2019 estimate) GDP per capita | $48686 per year per person (world rank: 25th) (2019 estimate) GDP real growth | +0.9796% per year (world rank: 170th) (2019 estimate) Gini index | 0.274 (world rank: 9th) (2017 estimate) consumer price inflation | +1.02% per year (world rank: 140th) (2019 estimate)
GDP | $268.8 billion per year (world rank: 46th) (2019 estimate) GDP at parity | $283.3 billion per year (world rank: 60th) (2019 estimate) real GDP | $271.8 billion per year (world rank: 43rd) (2019 estimate) GDP per capita | $48686 per year per person (world rank: 25th) (2019 estimate) GDP real growth | +0.9796% per year (world rank: 170th) (2019 estimate) Gini index | 0.274 (world rank: 9th) (2017 estimate) consumer price inflation | +1.02% per year (world rank: 140th) (2019 estimate)


unemployment rate | 6.59% (world rank: 79th highest) (2019 estimate) long-term unemployment rate | 1.98% (world rank: 64th highest) (2014 estimate) labor force | 2.739 million people (48.71% of population) (world rank: 111th) (2019 estimate)
unemployment rate | 6.59% (world rank: 79th highest) (2019 estimate) long-term unemployment rate | 1.98% (world rank: 64th highest) (2014 estimate) labor force | 2.739 million people (48.71% of population) (world rank: 111th) (2019 estimate)

Labor force information

primary education | 352084 people (world rank: 91st) (2014 estimate) secondary education | 1.247 million people (world rank: 63rd) (2014 estimate) tertiary education | 1.089 million people (world rank: 54th) (2014 estimate)
primary education | 352084 people (world rank: 91st) (2014 estimate) secondary education | 1.247 million people (world rank: 63rd) (2014 estimate) tertiary education | 1.089 million people (world rank: 54th) (2014 estimate)

Employment information

agriculture | 92258 people (world rank: 140th) (2019 estimate) industry | 567668 people (world rank: 97th) (2019 estimate) services | 1.9 million people (world rank: 94th) (2019 estimate)
agriculture | 92258 people (world rank: 140th) (2019 estimate) industry | 567668 people (world rank: 97th) (2019 estimate) services | 1.9 million people (world rank: 94th) (2019 estimate)

Business information

Business taxes

total business tax rate | 36.6% of profit (world rank: 92nd) (2019 estimate) number of business taxes | 8 (world rank: 151st) (2019 estimate)
total business tax rate | 36.6% of profit (world rank: 92nd) (2019 estimate) number of business taxes | 8 (world rank: 151st) (2019 estimate)

Business statistics

new businesses registered | 14700 per year (8.665% of total businesses) (world rank: 61st) (2018 estimate) total registered businesses | 120294 (world rank: 44th) (2006 estimate)
new businesses registered | 14700 per year (8.665% of total businesses) (world rank: 61st) (2018 estimate) total registered businesses | 120294 (world rank: 44th) (2006 estimate)

Business operating costs

typical cost of business start up procedures | 5.9% of GNI per capita (world rank: 151st lowest) (2019 estimate)
typical cost of business start up procedures | 5.9% of GNI per capita (world rank: 151st lowest) (2019 estimate)

Business procedures

typical time required to register property | 61.5 days (world rank: 152nd lowest) (2019 estimate) typical time required to start a business | 13 days (world rank: 103rd lowest) (2019 estimate) typical time required to build a warehouse | 65 days (world rank: 10th lowest) (2019 estimate) typical time required to enforce a contract | 485 days (world rank: 55th lowest) (2019 estimate) time to prepare and pay taxes | 90 hours (world rank: 20th lowest) (2019 estimate) time to resolve insolvency | 0.9 years (world rank: 7th lowest) (2019 estimate)
typical time required to register property | 61.5 days (world rank: 152nd lowest) (2019 estimate) typical time required to start a business | 13 days (world rank: 103rd lowest) (2019 estimate) typical time required to build a warehouse | 65 days (world rank: 10th lowest) (2019 estimate) typical time required to enforce a contract | 485 days (world rank: 55th lowest) (2019 estimate) time to prepare and pay taxes | 90 hours (world rank: 20th lowest) (2019 estimate) time to resolve insolvency | 0.9 years (world rank: 7th lowest) (2019 estimate)

Trade facilitation

typical cost to export one container | $615 (US dollars) (world rank: 14th lowest) (2014 estimate) typical cost to import one container | $625 (US dollars) (world rank: 11th lowest) (2014 estimate) typical documents required per export shipment | 4 (world rank: 20th lowest) (2014 estimate) typical documents required per import shipment | 5 (world rank: 32nd lowest) (2014 estimate)
typical cost to export one container | $615 (US dollars) (world rank: 14th lowest) (2014 estimate) typical cost to import one container | $625 (US dollars) (world rank: 11th lowest) (2014 estimate) typical documents required per export shipment | 4 (world rank: 20th lowest) (2014 estimate) typical documents required per import shipment | 5 (world rank: 32nd lowest) (2014 estimate)

Media and telecommunications

Telecommunications information

telephone lines | 323000 (world rank: 107th) (2018 estimate) mobile cellular subscriptions | 7.15 million (world rank: 104th) (2018 estimate) internet usage | 4.903 million people (88.89% of population) (world rank: 84th) (2018 estimate) fixed broadband internet subscribers | 1.737 million people (world rank: 57th) (2018 estimate) average broadband upload rate | 4.3 Mb/s (megabits per second) (world rank: 27th) (2011 estimate) average broadband download rate | 15.3 Mb/s (megabits per second) (world rank: 19th) (2011 estimate) secure internet servers | 318556 (world rank: 27th) (2019 estimate)
telephone lines | 323000 (world rank: 107th) (2018 estimate) mobile cellular subscriptions | 7.15 million (world rank: 104th) (2018 estimate) internet usage | 4.903 million people (88.89% of population) (world rank: 84th) (2018 estimate) fixed broadband internet subscribers | 1.737 million people (world rank: 57th) (2018 estimate) average broadband upload rate | 4.3 Mb/s (megabits per second) (world rank: 27th) (2011 estimate) average broadband download rate | 15.3 Mb/s (megabits per second) (world rank: 19th) (2011 estimate) secure internet servers | 318556 (world rank: 27th) (2019 estimate)

Media information

daily newspaper circulation | 2.254 million (world rank: 29th) (2004 estimate) radio stations | 63 (world rank: 79th) (2008 estimate) FM radio stations | 59 (world rank: 57th) (2008 estimate) television receivers | 3.2 million (world rank: 46th) (1997 estimate) television stations | 120 (world rank: 22nd) (2008 estimate)
daily newspaper circulation | 2.254 million (world rank: 29th) (2004 estimate) radio stations | 63 (world rank: 79th) (2008 estimate) FM radio stations | 59 (world rank: 57th) (2008 estimate) television receivers | 3.2 million (world rank: 46th) (1997 estimate) television stations | 120 (world rank: 22nd) (2008 estimate)