
BCl3 + LiAlH4 = AlCl3 + LiCl + B2H6

Input interpretation

boron trichloride + lithium aluminum hydride ⟶ aluminum chloride + lithium chloride + diborane
boron trichloride + lithium aluminum hydride ⟶ aluminum chloride + lithium chloride + diborane

Balanced equation

Balance the chemical equation algebraically:  + ⟶ + +  Add stoichiometric coefficients, c_i, to the reactants and products: c_1 + c_2 ⟶ c_3 + c_4 + c_5  Set the number of atoms in the reactants equal to the number of atoms in the products for B, Cl, Al, H and Li: B: | c_1 = 2 c_5 Cl: | 3 c_1 = 3 c_3 + c_4 Al: | c_2 = c_3 H: | 4 c_2 = 6 c_5 Li: | c_2 = c_4 Since the coefficients are relative quantities and underdetermined, choose a coefficient to set arbitrarily. To keep the coefficients small, the arbitrary value is ordinarily one. For instance, set c_5 = 1 and solve the system of equations for the remaining coefficients: c_1 = 2 c_2 = 3/2 c_3 = 3/2 c_4 = 3/2 c_5 = 1 Multiply by the least common denominator, 2, to eliminate fractional coefficients: c_1 = 4 c_2 = 3 c_3 = 3 c_4 = 3 c_5 = 2 Substitute the coefficients into the chemical reaction to obtain the balanced equation: Answer: |   | 4 + 3 ⟶ 3 + 3 + 2
Balance the chemical equation algebraically: + ⟶ + + Add stoichiometric coefficients, c_i, to the reactants and products: c_1 + c_2 ⟶ c_3 + c_4 + c_5 Set the number of atoms in the reactants equal to the number of atoms in the products for B, Cl, Al, H and Li: B: | c_1 = 2 c_5 Cl: | 3 c_1 = 3 c_3 + c_4 Al: | c_2 = c_3 H: | 4 c_2 = 6 c_5 Li: | c_2 = c_4 Since the coefficients are relative quantities and underdetermined, choose a coefficient to set arbitrarily. To keep the coefficients small, the arbitrary value is ordinarily one. For instance, set c_5 = 1 and solve the system of equations for the remaining coefficients: c_1 = 2 c_2 = 3/2 c_3 = 3/2 c_4 = 3/2 c_5 = 1 Multiply by the least common denominator, 2, to eliminate fractional coefficients: c_1 = 4 c_2 = 3 c_3 = 3 c_4 = 3 c_5 = 2 Substitute the coefficients into the chemical reaction to obtain the balanced equation: Answer: | | 4 + 3 ⟶ 3 + 3 + 2


 + ⟶ + +
+ ⟶ + +


boron trichloride + lithium aluminum hydride ⟶ aluminum chloride + lithium chloride + diborane
boron trichloride + lithium aluminum hydride ⟶ aluminum chloride + lithium chloride + diborane

Reaction thermodynamics


 | boron trichloride | lithium aluminum hydride | aluminum chloride | lithium chloride | diborane molecular enthalpy | -403.8 kJ/mol | -116.3 kJ/mol | -704.2 kJ/mol | -408.6 kJ/mol | 36.4 kJ/mol total enthalpy | -1615 kJ/mol | -348.9 kJ/mol | -2113 kJ/mol | -1226 kJ/mol | 72.8 kJ/mol  | H_initial = -1964 kJ/mol | | H_final = -3266 kJ/mol | |  ΔH_rxn^0 | -3266 kJ/mol - -1964 kJ/mol = -1302 kJ/mol (exothermic) | | | |
| boron trichloride | lithium aluminum hydride | aluminum chloride | lithium chloride | diborane molecular enthalpy | -403.8 kJ/mol | -116.3 kJ/mol | -704.2 kJ/mol | -408.6 kJ/mol | 36.4 kJ/mol total enthalpy | -1615 kJ/mol | -348.9 kJ/mol | -2113 kJ/mol | -1226 kJ/mol | 72.8 kJ/mol | H_initial = -1964 kJ/mol | | H_final = -3266 kJ/mol | | ΔH_rxn^0 | -3266 kJ/mol - -1964 kJ/mol = -1302 kJ/mol (exothermic) | | | |

Gibbs free energy

 | boron trichloride | lithium aluminum hydride | aluminum chloride | lithium chloride | diborane molecular free energy | -388.7 kJ/mol | -44.7 kJ/mol | -628.8 kJ/mol | -384.4 kJ/mol | 87.6 kJ/mol total free energy | -1555 kJ/mol | -134.1 kJ/mol | -1886 kJ/mol | -1153 kJ/mol | 175.2 kJ/mol  | G_initial = -1689 kJ/mol | | G_final = -2864 kJ/mol | |  ΔG_rxn^0 | -2864 kJ/mol - -1689 kJ/mol = -1176 kJ/mol (exergonic) | | | |
| boron trichloride | lithium aluminum hydride | aluminum chloride | lithium chloride | diborane molecular free energy | -388.7 kJ/mol | -44.7 kJ/mol | -628.8 kJ/mol | -384.4 kJ/mol | 87.6 kJ/mol total free energy | -1555 kJ/mol | -134.1 kJ/mol | -1886 kJ/mol | -1153 kJ/mol | 175.2 kJ/mol | G_initial = -1689 kJ/mol | | G_final = -2864 kJ/mol | | ΔG_rxn^0 | -2864 kJ/mol - -1689 kJ/mol = -1176 kJ/mol (exergonic) | | | |

Chemical names and formulas

 | boron trichloride | lithium aluminum hydride | aluminum chloride | lithium chloride | diborane Hill formula | BCl_3 | AlH_4Li | AlCl_3 | ClLi | B_2H_6 name | boron trichloride | lithium aluminum hydride | aluminum chloride | lithium chloride | diborane IUPAC name | trichloroborane | lithium alumanuide | trichloroalumane | lithium chloride | diborane
| boron trichloride | lithium aluminum hydride | aluminum chloride | lithium chloride | diborane Hill formula | BCl_3 | AlH_4Li | AlCl_3 | ClLi | B_2H_6 name | boron trichloride | lithium aluminum hydride | aluminum chloride | lithium chloride | diborane IUPAC name | trichloroborane | lithium alumanuide | trichloroalumane | lithium chloride | diborane

Substance properties

 | boron trichloride | lithium aluminum hydride | aluminum chloride | lithium chloride | diborane molar mass | 117.2 g/mol | 37.95 g/mol | 133.3 g/mol | 42.4 g/mol | 27.67 g/mol phase | gas (at STP) | solid (at STP) | solid (at STP) | solid (at STP) | gas (at STP) melting point | -107 °C | 125 °C | 190 °C | 605 °C | -164.85 °C boiling point | 12.4 °C | | | 1382 °C | -92.5 °C density | 0.004789 g/cm^3 (at 25 °C) | 0.91 g/cm^3 | | 2.07 g/cm^3 | 0.001131 g/cm^3 (at 25 °C) solubility in water | decomposes | decomposes | | |  surface tension | 0.0167 N/m | | | |  dynamic viscosity | 0.00104 Pa s (at 10 °C) | | | 0.00525 Pa s (at 20 °C) |  odor | | odorless | | |
| boron trichloride | lithium aluminum hydride | aluminum chloride | lithium chloride | diborane molar mass | 117.2 g/mol | 37.95 g/mol | 133.3 g/mol | 42.4 g/mol | 27.67 g/mol phase | gas (at STP) | solid (at STP) | solid (at STP) | solid (at STP) | gas (at STP) melting point | -107 °C | 125 °C | 190 °C | 605 °C | -164.85 °C boiling point | 12.4 °C | | | 1382 °C | -92.5 °C density | 0.004789 g/cm^3 (at 25 °C) | 0.91 g/cm^3 | | 2.07 g/cm^3 | 0.001131 g/cm^3 (at 25 °C) solubility in water | decomposes | decomposes | | | surface tension | 0.0167 N/m | | | | dynamic viscosity | 0.00104 Pa s (at 10 °C) | | | 0.00525 Pa s (at 20 °C) | odor | | odorless | | |
