
freezing point of holmium chloride

Input interpretation

holmium chloride | freezing point
holmium chloride | freezing point


718 °C (degrees Celsius)
718 °C (degrees Celsius)

Unit conversions

991.2 K (kelvins)
991.2 K (kelvins)
1324 °F (degrees Fahrenheit)
1324 °F (degrees Fahrenheit)
1784 °R (degrees Rankine)
1784 °R (degrees Rankine)
574.4 °Ré (degrees Réaumur)
574.4 °Ré (degrees Réaumur)
384.5 °Rø (degrees Rømer)
384.5 °Rø (degrees Rømer)

Comparisons as temperature

178.9 °C below large log fire temperature (1170 K)
178.9 °C below large log fire temperature (1170 K)
57.68 °C above melting point of aluminum (660.32 °C)
57.68 °C above melting point of aluminum (660.32 °C)
235.8 °C above typical temperature of an electric oven during self-cleaning (900 °F)
235.8 °C above typical temperature of an electric oven during self-cleaning (900 °F)

Corresponding quantities

Thermodynamic energy E from E = kT:  | 85 meV (millielectronvolts)
Thermodynamic energy E from E = kT: | 85 meV (millielectronvolts)
Blackbody energy flux Φ from Φ = σT^4:  | 54723 W/m^2 (watts per square meter)
Blackbody energy flux Φ from Φ = σT^4: | 54723 W/m^2 (watts per square meter)
Approximate luminous exitance from a planar blackbody radiator perpendicular to its surface:  | 6.8 lx (lux)
Approximate luminous exitance from a planar blackbody radiator perpendicular to its surface: | 6.8 lx (lux)