
discoverers of period 2 elements

Input interpretation

period 2 elements | discoverers
period 2 elements | discoverers


Antoine A. B. Bussy | Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | Augustus Matthiessen | Daniel Rutherford | Friedrich Wöhler | Henri Moissan | Humphry Davy | Johan August Arfwedson | Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac | Joseph Priestley | Louis-Jacques Thenard | Morris William Travers | Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin | Robert Wilhelm Bunsen | Sir William Ramsay (based on 7 values; 1 unavailable)
Antoine A. B. Bussy | Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | Augustus Matthiessen | Daniel Rutherford | Friedrich Wöhler | Henri Moissan | Humphry Davy | Johan August Arfwedson | Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac | Joseph Priestley | Louis-Jacques Thenard | Morris William Travers | Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin | Robert Wilhelm Bunsen | Sir William Ramsay (based on 7 values; 1 unavailable)

Entity with missing value


Basic information

 | full name | date of birth | place of birth Antoine A. B. Bussy | Antoine Alexandre Brutus Bussy | 29/05/1794 (226 years ago) | Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Cote-d'Azur Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier | 26/08/1743 (276 years ago) | Paris, Ile-de-France Augustus Matthiessen | | 02/01/1831 (189 years ago) | London, Greater London Daniel Rutherford | Daniel Rutherford | 03/11/1749 (Julian calendar) (270 years ago) | Edinburgh Friedrich Wöhler | Friedrich Wöhler | 31/07/1800 (220 years ago) | Frankfurt, Hesse Henri Moissan | Henri Moissan | 28/09/1852 (167 years ago) | Paris, Ile-de-France Humphry Davy | Sir Humphry Davy, 1st Baronet | 17/12/1778 (241 years ago) | Penzance, Cornwall Johan August Arfwedson | Johan August Arfwedson | 12/01/1792 (228 years ago) |  Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac | Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac | 06/12/1778 (241 years ago) | Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat, Nouvelle-Aquitaine Joseph Priestley | Joseph Priestley | 24/03/1733 (287 years ago) |   | date of death | place of death Antoine A. B. Bussy | 01/02/1882 (age: 87 years)   (138 years ago) | Paris, Ile-de-France Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | 08/05/1794 (age: 50 years)   (226 years ago) | Place de la Concorde Augustus Matthiessen | 06/10/1870 (age: 39 years)   (149 years ago) | London, Greater London Daniel Rutherford | 15/11/1819 (Gregorian calendar) (age: 70 years)   (200 years ago) | Edinburgh Friedrich Wöhler | 23/09/1882 (age: 82 years)   (137 years ago) | Göttingen, Lower Saxony Henri Moissan | 20/02/1907 (age: 54 years)   (113 years ago) | Paris, Ile-de-France Humphry Davy | 29/05/1829 (age: 50 years)   (191 years ago) | Geneva Johan August Arfwedson | 28/10/1841 (age: 49 years)   (178 years ago) | Hedensö Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac | 09/05/1850 (age: 71 years)   (170 years ago) | Paris, Ile-de-France Joseph Priestley | 06/02/1804 (age: 70 years)   (216 years ago) | Northumberland, Pennsylvania
| full name | date of birth | place of birth Antoine A. B. Bussy | Antoine Alexandre Brutus Bussy | 29/05/1794 (226 years ago) | Marseille, Provence-Alpes-Cote-d'Azur Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | Antoine-Laurent de Lavoisier | 26/08/1743 (276 years ago) | Paris, Ile-de-France Augustus Matthiessen | | 02/01/1831 (189 years ago) | London, Greater London Daniel Rutherford | Daniel Rutherford | 03/11/1749 (Julian calendar) (270 years ago) | Edinburgh Friedrich Wöhler | Friedrich Wöhler | 31/07/1800 (220 years ago) | Frankfurt, Hesse Henri Moissan | Henri Moissan | 28/09/1852 (167 years ago) | Paris, Ile-de-France Humphry Davy | Sir Humphry Davy, 1st Baronet | 17/12/1778 (241 years ago) | Penzance, Cornwall Johan August Arfwedson | Johan August Arfwedson | 12/01/1792 (228 years ago) | Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac | Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac | 06/12/1778 (241 years ago) | Saint-Léonard-de-Noblat, Nouvelle-Aquitaine Joseph Priestley | Joseph Priestley | 24/03/1733 (287 years ago) | | date of death | place of death Antoine A. B. Bussy | 01/02/1882 (age: 87 years) (138 years ago) | Paris, Ile-de-France Antoine Laurent Lavoisier | 08/05/1794 (age: 50 years) (226 years ago) | Place de la Concorde Augustus Matthiessen | 06/10/1870 (age: 39 years) (149 years ago) | London, Greater London Daniel Rutherford | 15/11/1819 (Gregorian calendar) (age: 70 years) (200 years ago) | Edinburgh Friedrich Wöhler | 23/09/1882 (age: 82 years) (137 years ago) | Göttingen, Lower Saxony Henri Moissan | 20/02/1907 (age: 54 years) (113 years ago) | Paris, Ile-de-France Humphry Davy | 29/05/1829 (age: 50 years) (191 years ago) | Geneva Johan August Arfwedson | 28/10/1841 (age: 49 years) (178 years ago) | Hedensö Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac | 09/05/1850 (age: 71 years) (170 years ago) | Paris, Ile-de-France Joseph Priestley | 06/02/1804 (age: 70 years) (216 years ago) | Northumberland, Pennsylvania




lithium | Augustus Matthiessen | Johan August Arfwedson | Robert Wilhelm Bunsen beryllium | Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin | Friedrich Wöhler | Antoine A. B. Bussy boron | Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac | Louis-Jacques Thenard | Humphry Davy nitrogen | Daniel Rutherford | Antoine Laurent Lavoisier oxygen | Joseph Priestley fluorine | Henri Moissan neon | Sir William Ramsay | Morris William Travers
lithium | Augustus Matthiessen | Johan August Arfwedson | Robert Wilhelm Bunsen beryllium | Nicolas-Louis Vauquelin | Friedrich Wöhler | Antoine A. B. Bussy boron | Joseph Louis Gay-Lussac | Louis-Jacques Thenard | Humphry Davy nitrogen | Daniel Rutherford | Antoine Laurent Lavoisier oxygen | Joseph Priestley fluorine | Henri Moissan neon | Sir William Ramsay | Morris William Travers

Nobel prizes

year | recipient | field | country of achievement | country of birth 1906 | Henri Moissan investigation and isolation of the element fluorine and introduction of the Moissan furnace | chemistry | France | France 1904 | Sir William Ramsay discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air and their place in the periodic system | chemistry | United Kingdom | United Kingdom
year | recipient | field | country of achievement | country of birth 1906 | Henri Moissan investigation and isolation of the element fluorine and introduction of the Moissan furnace | chemistry | France | France 1904 | Sir William Ramsay discovery of the inert gaseous elements in air and their place in the periodic system | chemistry | United Kingdom | United Kingdom