
half-life of Ac-208 vs Te-107

Input interpretation

Ac-208 Te-107 | half-life
Ac-208 Te-107 | half-life


Ac-208 | 95 ms (milliseconds) (60 to 130 ms) Te-107 | 3.1 ms (milliseconds) (2.96 to 3.24 ms)
Ac-208 | 95 ms (milliseconds) (60 to 130 ms) Te-107 | 3.1 ms (milliseconds) (2.96 to 3.24 ms)


Relative values

 | visual | ratios | | comparisons Te-107 | | 0.033 | 1 | 96.7% smaller Ac-208 | | 1 | 31 | 3000% larger
| visual | ratios | | comparisons Te-107 | | 0.033 | 1 | 96.7% smaller Ac-208 | | 1 | 31 | 3000% larger

Decay properties

 | Ac-208 | Te-107 half-life | 95 ms (70 to 130 ms) | 3.1 ms (2.96 to 3.24 ms) mean lifetime | 140 ms (90 to 190 ms) | 4.5 ms (4.28 to 4.67 ms) decay constant | 7.3 per second | 220 per second specific activity | 2.1×10^10 TBq/g | 1.3×10^12 TBq/g width | 3.3×10^-15 eV | 1.5×10^-13 eV decay modes | α (alpha emission) | β^+ (positron emission) | α (alpha emission) | β^+ (positron emission) final decay products | Hg-196 (60%) | Hg-200 (40%) | Pb-204 (0.05%) | Pt-192 (6×10^-4%) | Pb-208 (4×10^-8%) | Os-188 (3×10^-11%) | Os-184 (7×10^-18%) | Hf-176 (0%) | Hf-180 (0%) | Pt-196 (0%) | W-180 (0%) | W-184 (0%) | Rh-103 (70%) | Ag-107 (30%) | Pd-102 (0%) | Ru-102 (0%)
| Ac-208 | Te-107 half-life | 95 ms (70 to 130 ms) | 3.1 ms (2.96 to 3.24 ms) mean lifetime | 140 ms (90 to 190 ms) | 4.5 ms (4.28 to 4.67 ms) decay constant | 7.3 per second | 220 per second specific activity | 2.1×10^10 TBq/g | 1.3×10^12 TBq/g width | 3.3×10^-15 eV | 1.5×10^-13 eV decay modes | α (alpha emission) | β^+ (positron emission) | α (alpha emission) | β^+ (positron emission) final decay products | Hg-196 (60%) | Hg-200 (40%) | Pb-204 (0.05%) | Pt-192 (6×10^-4%) | Pb-208 (4×10^-8%) | Os-188 (3×10^-11%) | Os-184 (7×10^-18%) | Hf-176 (0%) | Hf-180 (0%) | Pt-196 (0%) | W-180 (0%) | W-184 (0%) | Rh-103 (70%) | Ag-107 (30%) | Pd-102 (0%) | Ru-102 (0%)