
resistivity of iodine

Input interpretation

iodine | resistivity
iodine | resistivity


1×10^7 Ω m (ohm meters)
1×10^7 Ω m (ohm meters)

Unit conversions

10 MΩ m (megohm meters)
10 MΩ m (megohm meters)
0.01 GΩ m (gigaohm meters)
0.01 GΩ m (gigaohm meters)
0.01 MΩ km (megohm kilometers)
0.01 MΩ km (megohm kilometers)
1×10^18 emus  (unit officially deprecated)
1×10^18 emus (unit officially deprecated)
0.0011 esus  (unit officially deprecated)
0.0011 esus (unit officially deprecated)
0.0011 statΩ cm (statohm centimeters)  (unit officially deprecated)
0.0011 statΩ cm (statohm centimeters) (unit officially deprecated)
4.6×10^13 atomic units
4.6×10^13 atomic units

Comparisons as electric resistivity

 ≈ 0.5 × resistivity of high-quality distilled water ( ≈ 2×10^7 Ω m )
≈ 0.5 × resistivity of high-quality distilled water ( ≈ 2×10^7 Ω m )
 ≈ (0.009 to 1) × resistivity of marble ( 1×10^7 to 1×10^9 Ω m )
≈ (0.009 to 1) × resistivity of marble ( 1×10^7 to 1×10^9 Ω m )
 ≈ resistivity of shellac ( ≈ 1×10^7 Ω m )
≈ resistivity of shellac ( ≈ 1×10^7 Ω m )

Corresponding quantity

Conductivity σ from σ = 1/ρ:  | 1×10^-7 S/m (siemens per meter)
Conductivity σ from σ = 1/ρ: | 1×10^-7 S/m (siemens per meter)