

Input interpretation

2-(3-chloropropyl)-2-(p-fluorophenyl)-1, 3-dioxolane
2-(3-chloropropyl)-2-(p-fluorophenyl)-1, 3-dioxolane

Basic properties

molar mass | 244.7 g/mol formula | C_12H_14ClFO_2 empirical formula | Cl_C_12O_2F_H_14 SMILES identifier | C(CC1(C2=CC=C(C=C2)F)OCCO1)CCl InChI identifier | InChI=1/C12H14ClFO2/c13-7-1-6-12(15-8-9-16-12)10-2-4-11(14)5-3-10/h2-5H, 1, 6-9H2 InChI key | FXFDJSQOCVDXBX-UHFFFAOYSA-N
molar mass | 244.7 g/mol formula | C_12H_14ClFO_2 empirical formula | Cl_C_12O_2F_H_14 SMILES identifier | C(CC1(C2=CC=C(C=C2)F)OCCO1)CCl InChI identifier | InChI=1/C12H14ClFO2/c13-7-1-6-12(15-8-9-16-12)10-2-4-11(14)5-3-10/h2-5H, 1, 6-9H2 InChI key | FXFDJSQOCVDXBX-UHFFFAOYSA-N

Lewis structure

Draw the Lewis structure of 2-(3-chloropropyl)-2-(p-fluorophenyl)-1, 3-dioxolane. Start by drawing the overall structure of the molecule, ignoring potential double and triple bonds:  Count the total valence electrons of the carbon (n_C, val = 4), chlorine (n_Cl, val = 7), fluorine (n_F, val = 7), hydrogen (n_H, val = 1), and oxygen (n_O, val = 6) atoms: 12 n_C, val + n_Cl, val + n_F, val + 14 n_H, val + 2 n_O, val = 88 Calculate the number of electrons needed to completely fill the valence shells for carbon (n_C, full = 8), chlorine (n_Cl, full = 8), fluorine (n_F, full = 8), hydrogen (n_H, full = 2), and oxygen (n_O, full = 8): 12 n_C, full + n_Cl, full + n_F, full + 14 n_H, full + 2 n_O, full = 156 Subtracting these two numbers shows that 156 - 88 = 68 bonding electrons are needed. Each bond has two electrons, so in addition to the 31 bonds already present in the diagram add 3 bonds. To minimize formal charge carbon wants 4 bonds. Identify the atoms that want additional bonds and the number of electrons remaining on each atom:  Fill in the 3 bonds by pairing electrons between adjacent highlighted atoms. Note that the six atom ring is aromatic, so that the single and double bonds may be rearranged: Answer: |   |
Draw the Lewis structure of 2-(3-chloropropyl)-2-(p-fluorophenyl)-1, 3-dioxolane. Start by drawing the overall structure of the molecule, ignoring potential double and triple bonds: Count the total valence electrons of the carbon (n_C, val = 4), chlorine (n_Cl, val = 7), fluorine (n_F, val = 7), hydrogen (n_H, val = 1), and oxygen (n_O, val = 6) atoms: 12 n_C, val + n_Cl, val + n_F, val + 14 n_H, val + 2 n_O, val = 88 Calculate the number of electrons needed to completely fill the valence shells for carbon (n_C, full = 8), chlorine (n_Cl, full = 8), fluorine (n_F, full = 8), hydrogen (n_H, full = 2), and oxygen (n_O, full = 8): 12 n_C, full + n_Cl, full + n_F, full + 14 n_H, full + 2 n_O, full = 156 Subtracting these two numbers shows that 156 - 88 = 68 bonding electrons are needed. Each bond has two electrons, so in addition to the 31 bonds already present in the diagram add 3 bonds. To minimize formal charge carbon wants 4 bonds. Identify the atoms that want additional bonds and the number of electrons remaining on each atom: Fill in the 3 bonds by pairing electrons between adjacent highlighted atoms. Note that the six atom ring is aromatic, so that the single and double bonds may be rearranged: Answer: | |

Estimated thermodynamic properties

melting point | 109.2 °C boiling point | 338.6 °C critical temperature | 841 K critical pressure | 2.687 MPa critical volume | 647.5 cm^3/mol molar heat of vaporization | 56.9 kJ/mol molar heat of fusion | 31.35 kJ/mol molar enthalpy | -466 kJ/mol molar free energy | -195 kJ/mol (computed using the Joback method)
melting point | 109.2 °C boiling point | 338.6 °C critical temperature | 841 K critical pressure | 2.687 MPa critical volume | 647.5 cm^3/mol molar heat of vaporization | 56.9 kJ/mol molar heat of fusion | 31.35 kJ/mol molar enthalpy | -466 kJ/mol molar free energy | -195 kJ/mol (computed using the Joback method)


Quantitative molecular descriptors

longest chain length | 10 atoms longest straight chain length | 4 atoms longest aliphatic chain length | 3 atoms aromatic atom count | 6 atoms H-bond acceptor count | 2 atoms H-bond donor count | 0 atoms
longest chain length | 10 atoms longest straight chain length | 4 atoms longest aliphatic chain length | 3 atoms aromatic atom count | 6 atoms H-bond acceptor count | 2 atoms H-bond donor count | 0 atoms

Elemental composition

Find the elemental composition for 2-(3-chloropropyl)-2-(p-fluorophenyl)-1, 3-dioxolane in terms of the atom and mass percents: atom percent = N_i/N_atoms × 100% mass percent = (N_im_i)/m × 100% Plan: • Write the chemical formula and gather atomic masses from the periodic table. • Determine values for N_i, m_i, N_atoms and m using these items. • Finally, compute the percents and check the results. Write the chemical formula: C_12H_14ClFO_2 Use the chemical formula to count the number of atoms, N_i, for each element and find the total number of atoms, N_atoms, per molecule:  | number of atoms  Cl (chlorine) | 1  C (carbon) | 12  O (oxygen) | 2  F (fluorine) | 1  H (hydrogen) | 14  N_atoms = 1 + 12 + 2 + 1 + 14 = 30 Divide each N_i by N_atoms to calculate atom fractions. Then use the property that atom fractions must sum to one to check the work:  | number of atoms | atom fraction  Cl (chlorine) | 1 | 1/30  C (carbon) | 12 | 12/30  O (oxygen) | 2 | 2/30  F (fluorine) | 1 | 1/30  H (hydrogen) | 14 | 14/30 Check: 1/30 + 12/30 + 2/30 + 1/30 + 14/30 = 1 Compute atom percents using the atom fractions:  | number of atoms | atom percent  Cl (chlorine) | 1 | 1/30 × 100% = 3.33%  C (carbon) | 12 | 12/30 × 100% = 40.0%  O (oxygen) | 2 | 2/30 × 100% = 6.67%  F (fluorine) | 1 | 1/30 × 100% = 3.33%  H (hydrogen) | 14 | 14/30 × 100% = 46.7% Look up the atomic mass, m_i, in unified atomic mass units, u, for each element in the periodic table:  | number of atoms | atom percent | atomic mass/u  Cl (chlorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 35.45  C (carbon) | 12 | 40.0% | 12.011  O (oxygen) | 2 | 6.67% | 15.999  F (fluorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 18.998403163  H (hydrogen) | 14 | 46.7% | 1.008 Multiply N_i by m_i to compute the mass for each element. Then sum those values to compute the molecular mass, m:  | number of atoms | atom percent | atomic mass/u | mass/u  Cl (chlorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 35.45 | 1 × 35.45 = 35.45  C (carbon) | 12 | 40.0% | 12.011 | 12 × 12.011 = 144.132  O (oxygen) | 2 | 6.67% | 15.999 | 2 × 15.999 = 31.998  F (fluorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 18.998403163 | 1 × 18.998403163 = 18.998403163  H (hydrogen) | 14 | 46.7% | 1.008 | 14 × 1.008 = 14.112  m = 35.45 u + 144.132 u + 31.998 u + 18.998403163 u + 14.112 u = 244.690403163 u Divide the mass for each element by m to calculate mass fractions. Then use the property that mass fractions must sum to one to check the work:  | number of atoms | atom percent | mass fraction  Cl (chlorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 35.45/244.690403163  C (carbon) | 12 | 40.0% | 144.132/244.690403163  O (oxygen) | 2 | 6.67% | 31.998/244.690403163  F (fluorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 18.998403163/244.690403163  H (hydrogen) | 14 | 46.7% | 14.112/244.690403163 Check: 35.45/244.690403163 + 144.132/244.690403163 + 31.998/244.690403163 + 18.998403163/244.690403163 + 14.112/244.690403163 = 1 Compute mass percents using the mass fractions: Answer: |   | | number of atoms | atom percent | mass percent  Cl (chlorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 35.45/244.690403163 × 100% = 14.49%  C (carbon) | 12 | 40.0% | 144.132/244.690403163 × 100% = 58.90%  O (oxygen) | 2 | 6.67% | 31.998/244.690403163 × 100% = 13.08%  F (fluorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 18.998403163/244.690403163 × 100% = 7.764%  H (hydrogen) | 14 | 46.7% | 14.112/244.690403163 × 100% = 5.767%
Find the elemental composition for 2-(3-chloropropyl)-2-(p-fluorophenyl)-1, 3-dioxolane in terms of the atom and mass percents: atom percent = N_i/N_atoms × 100% mass percent = (N_im_i)/m × 100% Plan: • Write the chemical formula and gather atomic masses from the periodic table. • Determine values for N_i, m_i, N_atoms and m using these items. • Finally, compute the percents and check the results. Write the chemical formula: C_12H_14ClFO_2 Use the chemical formula to count the number of atoms, N_i, for each element and find the total number of atoms, N_atoms, per molecule: | number of atoms Cl (chlorine) | 1 C (carbon) | 12 O (oxygen) | 2 F (fluorine) | 1 H (hydrogen) | 14 N_atoms = 1 + 12 + 2 + 1 + 14 = 30 Divide each N_i by N_atoms to calculate atom fractions. Then use the property that atom fractions must sum to one to check the work: | number of atoms | atom fraction Cl (chlorine) | 1 | 1/30 C (carbon) | 12 | 12/30 O (oxygen) | 2 | 2/30 F (fluorine) | 1 | 1/30 H (hydrogen) | 14 | 14/30 Check: 1/30 + 12/30 + 2/30 + 1/30 + 14/30 = 1 Compute atom percents using the atom fractions: | number of atoms | atom percent Cl (chlorine) | 1 | 1/30 × 100% = 3.33% C (carbon) | 12 | 12/30 × 100% = 40.0% O (oxygen) | 2 | 2/30 × 100% = 6.67% F (fluorine) | 1 | 1/30 × 100% = 3.33% H (hydrogen) | 14 | 14/30 × 100% = 46.7% Look up the atomic mass, m_i, in unified atomic mass units, u, for each element in the periodic table: | number of atoms | atom percent | atomic mass/u Cl (chlorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 35.45 C (carbon) | 12 | 40.0% | 12.011 O (oxygen) | 2 | 6.67% | 15.999 F (fluorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 18.998403163 H (hydrogen) | 14 | 46.7% | 1.008 Multiply N_i by m_i to compute the mass for each element. Then sum those values to compute the molecular mass, m: | number of atoms | atom percent | atomic mass/u | mass/u Cl (chlorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 35.45 | 1 × 35.45 = 35.45 C (carbon) | 12 | 40.0% | 12.011 | 12 × 12.011 = 144.132 O (oxygen) | 2 | 6.67% | 15.999 | 2 × 15.999 = 31.998 F (fluorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 18.998403163 | 1 × 18.998403163 = 18.998403163 H (hydrogen) | 14 | 46.7% | 1.008 | 14 × 1.008 = 14.112 m = 35.45 u + 144.132 u + 31.998 u + 18.998403163 u + 14.112 u = 244.690403163 u Divide the mass for each element by m to calculate mass fractions. Then use the property that mass fractions must sum to one to check the work: | number of atoms | atom percent | mass fraction Cl (chlorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 35.45/244.690403163 C (carbon) | 12 | 40.0% | 144.132/244.690403163 O (oxygen) | 2 | 6.67% | 31.998/244.690403163 F (fluorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 18.998403163/244.690403163 H (hydrogen) | 14 | 46.7% | 14.112/244.690403163 Check: 35.45/244.690403163 + 144.132/244.690403163 + 31.998/244.690403163 + 18.998403163/244.690403163 + 14.112/244.690403163 = 1 Compute mass percents using the mass fractions: Answer: | | | number of atoms | atom percent | mass percent Cl (chlorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 35.45/244.690403163 × 100% = 14.49% C (carbon) | 12 | 40.0% | 144.132/244.690403163 × 100% = 58.90% O (oxygen) | 2 | 6.67% | 31.998/244.690403163 × 100% = 13.08% F (fluorine) | 1 | 3.33% | 18.998403163/244.690403163 × 100% = 7.764% H (hydrogen) | 14 | 46.7% | 14.112/244.690403163 × 100% = 5.767%

Elemental oxidation states

The first step in finding the oxidation states (or oxidation numbers) in 2-(3-chloropropyl)-2-(p-fluorophenyl)-1, 3-dioxolane is to draw the structure diagram. Next set every oxidation number equal to the atom's formal charge:  In 2-(3-chloropropyl)-2-(p-fluorophenyl)-1, 3-dioxolane hydrogen is not bonded to a metal with lower electronegativity, so it will have an oxidation state of +1. Any element bonded to hydrogen gains the bonding electrons, decreasing their oxidation state by 1 for every bond:  With hydrogen out of the way, look at the remaining bonds. There are 1 carbon-chlorine bond, 1 carbon-fluorine bond, 4 carbon-oxygen bonds, and 11 carbon-carbon bonds. For each of these bonds, assign the bonding electrons to the most electronegative element.  First examine the carbon-chlorine bond: element | electronegativity (Pauling scale) |  C | 2.55 |  Cl | 3.16 |   | |  Since chlorine is more electronegative than carbon, the electrons in this bond will go to chlorine. Decrease the oxidation number for chlorine (by 1 for single bonds, 2 for double bonds, and 3 for triple bonds), and increase the oxidation number for carbon accordingly:  Next look at the carbon-fluorine bond: element | electronegativity (Pauling scale) |  C | 2.55 |  F | 3.98 |   | |  Since fluorine is more electronegative than carbon, the electrons in this bond will go to fluorine:  Next look at the carbon-oxygen bonds: element | electronegativity (Pauling scale) |  C | 2.55 |  O | 3.44 |   | |  Since oxygen is more electronegative than carbon, the electrons in these bonds will go to oxygen:  Next look at the carbon-carbon bonds: element | electronegativity (Pauling scale) |  C | 2.55 |  C | 2.55 |   | |  Since these elements are the same the bonding electrons are shared equally, and there is no change to the oxidation states:  Now summarize the results: Answer: |   | oxidation state | element | count  -2 | C (carbon) | 2  | O (oxygen) | 2  -1 | C (carbon) | 7  | Cl (chlorine) | 1  | F (fluorine) | 1  0 | C (carbon) | 1  +1 | C (carbon) | 1  | H (hydrogen) | 14  +2 | C (carbon) | 1
The first step in finding the oxidation states (or oxidation numbers) in 2-(3-chloropropyl)-2-(p-fluorophenyl)-1, 3-dioxolane is to draw the structure diagram. Next set every oxidation number equal to the atom's formal charge: In 2-(3-chloropropyl)-2-(p-fluorophenyl)-1, 3-dioxolane hydrogen is not bonded to a metal with lower electronegativity, so it will have an oxidation state of +1. Any element bonded to hydrogen gains the bonding electrons, decreasing their oxidation state by 1 for every bond: With hydrogen out of the way, look at the remaining bonds. There are 1 carbon-chlorine bond, 1 carbon-fluorine bond, 4 carbon-oxygen bonds, and 11 carbon-carbon bonds. For each of these bonds, assign the bonding electrons to the most electronegative element. First examine the carbon-chlorine bond: element | electronegativity (Pauling scale) | C | 2.55 | Cl | 3.16 | | | Since chlorine is more electronegative than carbon, the electrons in this bond will go to chlorine. Decrease the oxidation number for chlorine (by 1 for single bonds, 2 for double bonds, and 3 for triple bonds), and increase the oxidation number for carbon accordingly: Next look at the carbon-fluorine bond: element | electronegativity (Pauling scale) | C | 2.55 | F | 3.98 | | | Since fluorine is more electronegative than carbon, the electrons in this bond will go to fluorine: Next look at the carbon-oxygen bonds: element | electronegativity (Pauling scale) | C | 2.55 | O | 3.44 | | | Since oxygen is more electronegative than carbon, the electrons in these bonds will go to oxygen: Next look at the carbon-carbon bonds: element | electronegativity (Pauling scale) | C | 2.55 | C | 2.55 | | | Since these elements are the same the bonding electrons are shared equally, and there is no change to the oxidation states: Now summarize the results: Answer: | | oxidation state | element | count -2 | C (carbon) | 2 | O (oxygen) | 2 -1 | C (carbon) | 7 | Cl (chlorine) | 1 | F (fluorine) | 1 0 | C (carbon) | 1 +1 | C (carbon) | 1 | H (hydrogen) | 14 +2 | C (carbon) | 1

Orbital hybridization

First draw the structure diagram for 2-(3-chloropropyl)-2-(p-fluorophenyl)-1, 3-dioxolane, and for every non-hydrogen atom, count the σ-bonds. Note that double and triple bonds consist of one σ-bond together with one or two π-bonds:  Identify those atoms with lone pairs:  Find the steric number by adding the lone pair count to the number of σ-bonds:  Consult the following chart to determine the hybridization from the steric number: steric number | hybridization 2 | sp 3 | sp^2 4 | sp^3 5 | dsp^3 6 | d^2sp^3 7 | d^3sp^3 Now assign the hybridization for each atom: Answer: |   |
First draw the structure diagram for 2-(3-chloropropyl)-2-(p-fluorophenyl)-1, 3-dioxolane, and for every non-hydrogen atom, count the σ-bonds. Note that double and triple bonds consist of one σ-bond together with one or two π-bonds: Identify those atoms with lone pairs: Find the steric number by adding the lone pair count to the number of σ-bonds: Consult the following chart to determine the hybridization from the steric number: steric number | hybridization 2 | sp 3 | sp^2 4 | sp^3 5 | dsp^3 6 | d^2sp^3 7 | d^3sp^3 Now assign the hybridization for each atom: Answer: | |

Topological indices

vertex count | 30 edge count | 31 Schultz index | 7474 Wiener index | 1907 Hosoya index | 316130 Balaban index | 2.807
vertex count | 30 edge count | 31 Schultz index | 7474 Wiener index | 1907 Hosoya index | 316130 Balaban index | 2.807