
Vickers hardness of arsenic

Input interpretation

arsenic | Vickers hardness
arsenic | Vickers hardness


1510 MPa (megapascals) (converted from Brinell scale)
1510 MPa (megapascals) (converted from Brinell scale)

Unit conversions

1.51 GPa (gigapascals)
1.51 GPa (gigapascals)
1.51×10^9 Pa (pascals)
1.51×10^9 Pa (pascals)
1.51×10^9 N/m^2 (newtons per square meter)
1.51×10^9 N/m^2 (newtons per square meter)
14903 atm (atmospheres)  (unit officially deprecated)
14903 atm (atmospheres) (unit officially deprecated)

Comparison as tensile strength

 ≈ ( 0.015 ≈ 1/66 ) × theoretical tensile strength of a carbon nanotube ( ≈ 100 GPa )
≈ ( 0.015 ≈ 1/66 ) × theoretical tensile strength of a carbon nanotube ( ≈ 100 GPa )

Hardness comparisons

harder than calcite (Mohs 3)
harder than calcite (Mohs 3)
softer than fluorite (Mohs 4)
softer than fluorite (Mohs 4)