
molar mass of 10-(4-methylpiperazino)-10,11-dihydrodibenzo(b,f)selenepin maleate

Input interpretation

10-(4-methylpiperazino)-10, 11-dihydrodibenzo(b, f)selenepin maleate | molar mass
10-(4-methylpiperazino)-10, 11-dihydrodibenzo(b, f)selenepin maleate | molar mass


Find the molar mass, M, for 10-(4-methylpiperazino)-10, 11-dihydrodibenzo(b, f)selenepin maleate: M = sum _iN_im_i Plan: • Write the chemical formula and gather atomic masses from the periodic table. • Determine values for N_i and m_i using these items. • Finally, compute the mass. Write the chemical formula: C_23H_26N_2O_4Se Use the chemical formula to count the number of atoms, N_i, for each element:  | N_i  C (carbon) | 23  O (oxygen) | 4  N (nitrogen) | 2  Se (selenium) | 1  H (hydrogen) | 26 Look up the atomic mass, m_i, in g·mol^(-1) for each element in the periodic table:  | N_i | m_i/g·mol^(-1)  C (carbon) | 23 | 12.011  O (oxygen) | 4 | 15.999  N (nitrogen) | 2 | 14.007  Se (selenium) | 1 | 78.971  H (hydrogen) | 26 | 1.008 Multiply N_i by m_i to compute the mass for each element. Then sum those values to compute the molar mass, M: Answer: |   | | N_i | m_i/g·mol^(-1) | mass/g·mol^(-1)  C (carbon) | 23 | 12.011 | 23 × 12.011 = 276.253  O (oxygen) | 4 | 15.999 | 4 × 15.999 = 63.996  N (nitrogen) | 2 | 14.007 | 2 × 14.007 = 28.014  Se (selenium) | 1 | 78.971 | 1 × 78.971 = 78.971  H (hydrogen) | 26 | 1.008 | 26 × 1.008 = 26.208  M = 276.253 g/mol + 63.996 g/mol + 28.014 g/mol + 78.971 g/mol + 26.208 g/mol = 473.442 g/mol
Find the molar mass, M, for 10-(4-methylpiperazino)-10, 11-dihydrodibenzo(b, f)selenepin maleate: M = sum _iN_im_i Plan: • Write the chemical formula and gather atomic masses from the periodic table. • Determine values for N_i and m_i using these items. • Finally, compute the mass. Write the chemical formula: C_23H_26N_2O_4Se Use the chemical formula to count the number of atoms, N_i, for each element: | N_i C (carbon) | 23 O (oxygen) | 4 N (nitrogen) | 2 Se (selenium) | 1 H (hydrogen) | 26 Look up the atomic mass, m_i, in g·mol^(-1) for each element in the periodic table: | N_i | m_i/g·mol^(-1) C (carbon) | 23 | 12.011 O (oxygen) | 4 | 15.999 N (nitrogen) | 2 | 14.007 Se (selenium) | 1 | 78.971 H (hydrogen) | 26 | 1.008 Multiply N_i by m_i to compute the mass for each element. Then sum those values to compute the molar mass, M: Answer: | | | N_i | m_i/g·mol^(-1) | mass/g·mol^(-1) C (carbon) | 23 | 12.011 | 23 × 12.011 = 276.253 O (oxygen) | 4 | 15.999 | 4 × 15.999 = 63.996 N (nitrogen) | 2 | 14.007 | 2 × 14.007 = 28.014 Se (selenium) | 1 | 78.971 | 1 × 78.971 = 78.971 H (hydrogen) | 26 | 1.008 | 26 × 1.008 = 26.208 M = 276.253 g/mol + 63.996 g/mol + 28.014 g/mol + 78.971 g/mol + 26.208 g/mol = 473.442 g/mol