
discovery countries of group 6 elements

Input interpretation

group 6 elements | discovery country
group 6 elements | discovery country


chromium | France molybdenum | Sweden tungsten | Spain seaborgium | United States
chromium | France molybdenum | Sweden tungsten | Spain seaborgium | United States
group 6 elements | discovery country | France | Spain | Sweden | United States (all)
group 6 elements | discovery country | France | Spain | Sweden | United States (all)


 | full name | full native name France | French Republic | République française Spain | Kingdom of Spain | Reino de España Sweden | Kingdom of Sweden | Konungariket Sverige United States | United States of America |
| full name | full native name France | French Republic | République française Spain | Kingdom of Spain | Reino de España Sweden | Kingdom of Sweden | Konungariket Sverige United States | United States of America |
 | country code | internet code | calling code France | FR | .fr | +33 Spain | ES | .es | +34 Sweden | SE | .se | +46 United States | US | .us | +1
| country code | internet code | calling code France | FR | .fr | +33 Spain | ES | .es | +34 Sweden | SE | .se | +46 United States | US | .us | +1





Geographic properties

total area | total | 1.114×10^7 km^2 (square kilometers)  | largest | 9.631×10^6 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 3rd) (United States)  | smallest | 450295 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 56th) (Sweden) land area | total | 10.62 million km^2 (square kilometers)  | largest | 9.162 million km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 3rd) (United States)  | smallest | 410335 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 60th) (Sweden) continent | all | Europe | North America
total area | total | 1.114×10^7 km^2 (square kilometers) | largest | 9.631×10^6 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 3rd) (United States) | smallest | 450295 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 56th) (Sweden) land area | total | 10.62 million km^2 (square kilometers) | largest | 9.162 million km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 3rd) (United States) | smallest | 410335 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 60th) (Sweden) continent | all | Europe | North America
annual-crop land fraction | average | 17.74%  | median | 20.89%  | highest | 33.26% (world rank: 27th) (France)  | lowest | 6.334% (world rank: 145th) (Sweden) coastline length | total | 31533 km (kilometers)  | highest | 19924 km (kilometers) (world rank: 9th) (United States)  | lowest | 3218 km (kilometers) (world rank: 38th) (Sweden)
annual-crop land fraction | average | 17.74% | median | 20.89% | highest | 33.26% (world rank: 27th) (France) | lowest | 6.334% (world rank: 145th) (Sweden) coastline length | total | 31533 km (kilometers) | highest | 19924 km (kilometers) (world rank: 9th) (United States) | lowest | 3218 km (kilometers) (world rank: 38th) (Sweden)


 | population | population density | population growth France | 65 million people (world rank: 22nd) (2017) | 119 people/km^2 (world rank: 100th) (2017) | 0.386 %/yr (world rank: 179th) (2017) Spain | 46.4 million people (world rank: 30th) (2017) | 92.9 people/km^2 (world rank: 121st) (2017) | 0.189 %/yr (world rank: 196th) (2017) Sweden | 9.91 million people (world rank: 89th) (2017) | 24.2 people/km^2 (world rank: 194th) (2017) | 1.45 %/yr (world rank: 94th) (2017) United States | 324 million people (world rank: 3rd) (2017) | 35.5 people/km^2 (world rank: 184th) (2017) | 0.713 %/yr (world rank: 154th) (2017)  | life expectancy | median age France | 82 yr (world rank: 18th) (2018) | 41.2 yr (world rank: 26th) (2015) Spain | 81.8 yr (world rank: 23rd) (2018) | 43.2 yr (world rank: 10th) (2015) Sweden | 82.2 yr (world rank: 17th) (2018) | 40.9 yr (world rank: 31st) (2015) United States | 80.1 yr (world rank: 46th) (2018) | 37.6 yr (world rank: 50th) (2015)
| population | population density | population growth France | 65 million people (world rank: 22nd) (2017) | 119 people/km^2 (world rank: 100th) (2017) | 0.386 %/yr (world rank: 179th) (2017) Spain | 46.4 million people (world rank: 30th) (2017) | 92.9 people/km^2 (world rank: 121st) (2017) | 0.189 %/yr (world rank: 196th) (2017) Sweden | 9.91 million people (world rank: 89th) (2017) | 24.2 people/km^2 (world rank: 194th) (2017) | 1.45 %/yr (world rank: 94th) (2017) United States | 324 million people (world rank: 3rd) (2017) | 35.5 people/km^2 (world rank: 184th) (2017) | 0.713 %/yr (world rank: 154th) (2017) | life expectancy | median age France | 82 yr (world rank: 18th) (2018) | 41.2 yr (world rank: 26th) (2015) Spain | 81.8 yr (world rank: 23rd) (2018) | 43.2 yr (world rank: 10th) (2015) Sweden | 82.2 yr (world rank: 17th) (2018) | 40.9 yr (world rank: 31st) (2015) United States | 80.1 yr (world rank: 46th) (2018) | 37.6 yr (world rank: 50th) (2015)


 | annual births | birth rate fraction | annual deaths France | 761031 people/yr (world rank: 38th) (2017) | 0.0117 people per person per year (world rank: 174th) (2017) | 584370 people/yr (world rank: 19th) (2017) Spain | 399129 people/yr (world rank: 65th) (2017) | 0.00858 people per person per year (world rank: 229th) (2017) | 421105 people/yr (world rank: 26th) (2017) Sweden | 121221 people/yr (world rank: 104th) (2017) | 0.0122 people per person per year (world rank: 164th) (2017) | 90224 people/yr (world rank: 88th) (2017) United States | 4.08 million people/yr (world rank: 6th) (2017) | 0.0126 people per person per year (world rank: 161st) (2017) | 2.7 million people/yr (world rank: 3rd) (2017)  | death rate fraction | net migration per capita | total fertility rate France | 0.00899 people per person per year (world rank: 60th) (2017) | +5.463×10^-4 people per person per year (world rank: 62nd) (2017) | 1.96 children per female (world rank: 138th) (2016) Spain | 0.00905 people per person per year (world rank: 58th) (2017) | +8.585×10^-4 people per person per year (world rank: 57th) (2017) | 1.33 children per female (world rank: 218th) (2016) Sweden | 0.00911 people per person per year (world rank: 57th) (2017) | +0.003977 people per person per year (world rank: 24th) (2017) | 1.85 children per female (world rank: 152nd) (2016) United States | 0.00833 people per person per year (world rank: 78th) (2017) | +0.002937 people per person per year (world rank: 32nd) (2017) | 1.8 children per female (world rank: 155th) (2016)
| annual births | birth rate fraction | annual deaths France | 761031 people/yr (world rank: 38th) (2017) | 0.0117 people per person per year (world rank: 174th) (2017) | 584370 people/yr (world rank: 19th) (2017) Spain | 399129 people/yr (world rank: 65th) (2017) | 0.00858 people per person per year (world rank: 229th) (2017) | 421105 people/yr (world rank: 26th) (2017) Sweden | 121221 people/yr (world rank: 104th) (2017) | 0.0122 people per person per year (world rank: 164th) (2017) | 90224 people/yr (world rank: 88th) (2017) United States | 4.08 million people/yr (world rank: 6th) (2017) | 0.0126 people per person per year (world rank: 161st) (2017) | 2.7 million people/yr (world rank: 3rd) (2017) | death rate fraction | net migration per capita | total fertility rate France | 0.00899 people per person per year (world rank: 60th) (2017) | +5.463×10^-4 people per person per year (world rank: 62nd) (2017) | 1.96 children per female (world rank: 138th) (2016) Spain | 0.00905 people per person per year (world rank: 58th) (2017) | +8.585×10^-4 people per person per year (world rank: 57th) (2017) | 1.33 children per female (world rank: 218th) (2016) Sweden | 0.00911 people per person per year (world rank: 57th) (2017) | +0.003977 people per person per year (world rank: 24th) (2017) | 1.85 children per female (world rank: 152nd) (2016) United States | 0.00833 people per person per year (world rank: 78th) (2017) | +0.002937 people per person per year (world rank: 32nd) (2017) | 1.8 children per female (world rank: 155th) (2016)

Capital cities

France | Paris, Ile-de-France Spain | Madrid Sweden | Stockholm United States | Washington, District of Columbia
France | Paris, Ile-de-France Spain | Madrid Sweden | Stockholm United States | Washington, District of Columbia

Economic properties

GDP | total | $25.25 trillion per year  | median | $2.102 trillion per year  | highest | $20.49 trillion per year (world rank: 1st) (2018 estimates) (United States)  | lowest | $551 billion per year (world rank: 22nd) (2018 estimates) (Sweden) GDP at parity | total | $25.93 trillion per year  | median | $2.451 trillion per year  | highest | $20.49 trillion per year (world rank: 2nd) (2018 estimates) (United States)  | lowest | $536.9 billion per year (world rank: 42nd) (2018 estimates) (Sweden) real GDP | total | $22.9 trillion per year  | median | $2.237 trillion per year  | highest | $17.84 trillion per year (world rank: 1st) (2018 estimates) (United States)  | lowest | $582.8 billion per year (world rank: 22nd) (2018 estimates) (Sweden) GDP per capita | average | $55977 per year per person  | median | $47788 per year per person  | highest | $62641 per year per person (world rank: 13th) (2018 estimates) (United States)  | lowest | $30524 per year per person (world rank: 48th) (2018 estimates) (Spain) GDP real growth | mean | +2.381% per year  | median | +2.47% per year  | highest | +2.857% per year (world rank: 115th) (2018 estimates) (United States)  | lowest | +1.725% per year (world rank: 159th) (2018 estimates) (France) Gini index | median | 0.345  | highest | 0.415 (world rank: 100th) (2015 and 2016 estimates) (United States)  | lowest | 0.292 (world rank: 18th) (2015 and 2016 estimates) (Sweden)  | distribution |  consumer price inflation | mean | +1.98% per year  | median | +1.9% per year  | highest | +2.44% per year (world rank: 97th) (2018 estimates) (United States)  | lowest | +1.68% per year (world rank: 130th) (2018 estimates) (Spain)
GDP | total | $25.25 trillion per year | median | $2.102 trillion per year | highest | $20.49 trillion per year (world rank: 1st) (2018 estimates) (United States) | lowest | $551 billion per year (world rank: 22nd) (2018 estimates) (Sweden) GDP at parity | total | $25.93 trillion per year | median | $2.451 trillion per year | highest | $20.49 trillion per year (world rank: 2nd) (2018 estimates) (United States) | lowest | $536.9 billion per year (world rank: 42nd) (2018 estimates) (Sweden) real GDP | total | $22.9 trillion per year | median | $2.237 trillion per year | highest | $17.84 trillion per year (world rank: 1st) (2018 estimates) (United States) | lowest | $582.8 billion per year (world rank: 22nd) (2018 estimates) (Sweden) GDP per capita | average | $55977 per year per person | median | $47788 per year per person | highest | $62641 per year per person (world rank: 13th) (2018 estimates) (United States) | lowest | $30524 per year per person (world rank: 48th) (2018 estimates) (Spain) GDP real growth | mean | +2.381% per year | median | +2.47% per year | highest | +2.857% per year (world rank: 115th) (2018 estimates) (United States) | lowest | +1.725% per year (world rank: 159th) (2018 estimates) (France) Gini index | median | 0.345 | highest | 0.415 (world rank: 100th) (2015 and 2016 estimates) (United States) | lowest | 0.292 (world rank: 18th) (2015 and 2016 estimates) (Sweden) | distribution | consumer price inflation | mean | +1.98% per year | median | +1.9% per year | highest | +2.44% per year (world rank: 97th) (2018 estimates) (United States) | lowest | +1.68% per year (world rank: 130th) (2018 estimates) (Spain)


unemployment rate | mean | 8.63%  | median | 7.97%  | highest | 14.7% (world rank: 21st highest) (2019 estimates) (Spain)  | lowest | 3.87% (world rank: 146th highest) (2019 estimates) (United States) long-term unemployment rate | mean | 4.97%  | median | 2.89%  | highest | 12.9% (world rank: 9th highest) (2014 estimates) (Spain)  | lowest | 1.19% (world rank: 80th highest) (2014 estimates) (Sweden) labor force | highest | 165.7 million people (50.19% of population) (world rank: 3rd) (2019 estimates) (United States)  | lowest | 5.435 million people (53.24% of population) (world rank: 73rd) (2019 estimates) (Sweden)
unemployment rate | mean | 8.63% | median | 7.97% | highest | 14.7% (world rank: 21st highest) (2019 estimates) (Spain) | lowest | 3.87% (world rank: 146th highest) (2019 estimates) (United States) long-term unemployment rate | mean | 4.97% | median | 2.89% | highest | 12.9% (world rank: 9th highest) (2014 estimates) (Spain) | lowest | 1.19% (world rank: 80th highest) (2014 estimates) (Sweden) labor force | highest | 165.7 million people (50.19% of population) (world rank: 3rd) (2019 estimates) (United States) | lowest | 5.435 million people (53.24% of population) (world rank: 73rd) (2019 estimates) (Sweden)

Labor force information

primary education | median | 4.163 million people  | highest | 9.118 million people (world rank: 12th) (2014 estimates) (Spain)  | lowest | 812558 people (world rank: 68th) (2014 estimates) (Sweden)  | distribution |  secondary education | median | 9.491 million people  | highest | 92.57 million people (world rank: 1st) (2014 estimates) (United States)  | lowest | 2.427 million people (world rank: 42nd) (2014 estimates) (Sweden) tertiary education | median | 9.803 million people  | highest | 53.95 million people (world rank: 1st) (2014 estimates) (United States)  | lowest | 1.893 million people (world rank: 36th) (2014 estimates) (Sweden)
primary education | median | 4.163 million people | highest | 9.118 million people (world rank: 12th) (2014 estimates) (Spain) | lowest | 812558 people (world rank: 68th) (2014 estimates) (Sweden) | distribution | secondary education | median | 9.491 million people | highest | 92.57 million people (world rank: 1st) (2014 estimates) (United States) | lowest | 2.427 million people (world rank: 42nd) (2014 estimates) (Sweden) tertiary education | median | 9.803 million people | highest | 53.95 million people (world rank: 1st) (2014 estimates) (United States) | lowest | 1.893 million people (world rank: 36th) (2014 estimates) (Sweden)

Employment information

agriculture | total | 3.88 million people  | mean | 968786 people  | highest | 2.25 million people (world rank: 49th) (2019 estimates) (United States)  | lowest | 90833 people (world rank: 142nd) (2019 estimates) (Sweden)  | distribution |  industry | total | 40.8 million people  | mean | 10.2 million people  | highest | 30.6 million people (world rank: 3rd) (2019 estimates) (United States)  | lowest | 901798 people (world rank: 79th) (2019 estimates) (Sweden) services | total | 167 million people  | mean | 41.7 million people  | highest | 127 million people (world rank: 3rd) (2019 estimates) (United States)  | lowest | 4.07 million people (world rank: 54th) (2019 estimates) (Sweden)
agriculture | total | 3.88 million people | mean | 968786 people | highest | 2.25 million people (world rank: 49th) (2019 estimates) (United States) | lowest | 90833 people (world rank: 142nd) (2019 estimates) (Sweden) | distribution | industry | total | 40.8 million people | mean | 10.2 million people | highest | 30.6 million people (world rank: 3rd) (2019 estimates) (United States) | lowest | 901798 people (world rank: 79th) (2019 estimates) (Sweden) services | total | 167 million people | mean | 41.7 million people | highest | 127 million people (world rank: 3rd) (2019 estimates) (United States) | lowest | 4.07 million people (world rank: 54th) (2019 estimates) (Sweden)

UN Human Development Index

 | France | Spain | Sweden | United States health | 0.959 (world rank: 10th) | 0.966 (world rank: 6th) | 0.959 (world rank: 10th) | 0.911 (world rank: 36th) education | 0.839 (world rank: 24th) | 0.818 (world rank: 32nd) | 0.855 (world rank: 19th) | 0.9 (world rank: 8th) living standards | 0.898 (world rank: 24th) | 0.875 (world rank: 32nd) | 0.927 (world rank: 14th) | 0.948 (world rank: 11th) total | 0.897 (world rank: 21st) | 0.884 (world rank: 27th) | 0.913 (world rank: 14th) | 0.92 (world rank: 10th) (2015 estimate)
| France | Spain | Sweden | United States health | 0.959 (world rank: 10th) | 0.966 (world rank: 6th) | 0.959 (world rank: 10th) | 0.911 (world rank: 36th) education | 0.839 (world rank: 24th) | 0.818 (world rank: 32nd) | 0.855 (world rank: 19th) | 0.9 (world rank: 8th) living standards | 0.898 (world rank: 24th) | 0.875 (world rank: 32nd) | 0.927 (world rank: 14th) | 0.948 (world rank: 11th) total | 0.897 (world rank: 21st) | 0.884 (world rank: 27th) | 0.913 (world rank: 14th) | 0.92 (world rank: 10th) (2015 estimate)

Wikipedia summary


France, officially the French Republic, is a country consisting of metropolitan France in Western Europe and several overseas regions and territories. The metropolitan area of France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. It borders Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany to the northeast, Switzerland, Monaco, and Italy to the east, and Andorra and Spain to the south. The overseas territories include French Guiana in South America and several islands in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. The country's 18 integral regions (five of which are situated overseas) span a combined area of 643, 801 square kilometres (248, 573 sq mi) and a total population of 67.07 million (as of May 2020). France is a unitary semi-presidential republic with its capital in Paris, the country's largest city and main cultural and commercial centre. Other major urban areas include Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Lille and Nice. France, including its overseas territories, has the most time zones of any country, with a total of 12.
France, officially the French Republic, is a country consisting of metropolitan France in Western Europe and several overseas regions and territories. The metropolitan area of France extends from the Mediterranean Sea to the English Channel and the North Sea, and from the Rhine to the Atlantic Ocean. It borders Belgium, Luxembourg and Germany to the northeast, Switzerland, Monaco, and Italy to the east, and Andorra and Spain to the south. The overseas territories include French Guiana in South America and several islands in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans. The country's 18 integral regions (five of which are situated overseas) span a combined area of 643, 801 square kilometres (248, 573 sq mi) and a total population of 67.07 million (as of May 2020). France is a unitary semi-presidential republic with its capital in Paris, the country's largest city and main cultural and commercial centre. Other major urban areas include Lyon, Marseille, Toulouse, Bordeaux, Lille and Nice. France, including its overseas territories, has the most time zones of any country, with a total of 12.


Spain, officially the Kingdom of Spain, is a country in Southwestern Europe with some pockets of territory across the Strait of Gibraltar and the Atlantic Ocean. Its continental European territory is situated on the Iberian Peninsula. Its territory also includes two archipelagos: the Canary Islands off the coast of North Africa, and the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea. The African enclaves of Ceuta, Melilla, and Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera, make Spain the only European country to have a physical border with an African country (Morocco). Several small islands in the Alboran Sea are also part of Spanish territory. The country's mainland is bordered to the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea except for a small land boundary with Gibraltar; to the north and northeast by France, Andorra, and the Bay of Biscay; and to the west and northwest by Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean respectively.
Spain, officially the Kingdom of Spain, is a country in Southwestern Europe with some pockets of territory across the Strait of Gibraltar and the Atlantic Ocean. Its continental European territory is situated on the Iberian Peninsula. Its territory also includes two archipelagos: the Canary Islands off the coast of North Africa, and the Balearic Islands in the Mediterranean Sea. The African enclaves of Ceuta, Melilla, and Peñón de Vélez de la Gomera, make Spain the only European country to have a physical border with an African country (Morocco). Several small islands in the Alboran Sea are also part of Spanish territory. The country's mainland is bordered to the south and east by the Mediterranean Sea except for a small land boundary with Gibraltar; to the north and northeast by France, Andorra, and the Bay of Biscay; and to the west and northwest by Portugal and the Atlantic Ocean respectively.


Sweden, officially the Kingdom of Sweden, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe. It borders Norway to the west and north, Finland to the east, and is connected to Denmark in the southwest by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund Strait. At 450, 295 square kilometres (173, 860 sq mi), Sweden is the largest country in Northern Europe, the third-largest country in the European Union and the fifth largest country in Europe by area. The capital city is Stockholm. Sweden has a total population of 10.3 million of which 2.6 million have a foreign background. Persons with foreign backgrounds are defined as persons who are foreign born, or born in Sweden with foreign born parents. It has a low population density of 22 inhabitants per square kilometre (57/sq mi) and the highest urban concentration is in the central and southern half of the country.
Sweden, officially the Kingdom of Sweden, is a Nordic country in Northern Europe. It borders Norway to the west and north, Finland to the east, and is connected to Denmark in the southwest by a bridge-tunnel across the Öresund Strait. At 450, 295 square kilometres (173, 860 sq mi), Sweden is the largest country in Northern Europe, the third-largest country in the European Union and the fifth largest country in Europe by area. The capital city is Stockholm. Sweden has a total population of 10.3 million of which 2.6 million have a foreign background. Persons with foreign backgrounds are defined as persons who are foreign born, or born in Sweden with foreign born parents. It has a low population density of 22 inhabitants per square kilometre (57/sq mi) and the highest urban concentration is in the central and southern half of the country.

United States

The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S. or US) or America, is a country mostly located in central North America, between Canada and Mexico. It consists of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions. At 3.8 million square miles (9.8 million km^2), it is the world's third-or fourth-largest country by total area. With a 2019 estimated population of over 328 million, the U.S. is the third most populous country in the world. Americans are a racially and ethnically diverse population that has been shaped through centuries of immigration. The capital is Washington, D.C., and the most populous city is New York City.
The United States of America (USA), commonly known as the United States (U.S. or US) or America, is a country mostly located in central North America, between Canada and Mexico. It consists of 50 states, a federal district, five major self-governing territories, and various possessions. At 3.8 million square miles (9.8 million km^2), it is the world's third-or fourth-largest country by total area. With a 2019 estimated population of over 328 million, the U.S. is the third most populous country in the world. Americans are a racially and ethnically diverse population that has been shaped through centuries of immigration. The capital is Washington, D.C., and the most populous city is New York City.