
flash point of polar protic solvents

Input interpretation

polar protic solvents | flash point
polar protic solvents | flash point


median | 15 °C highest | 54.44 °C (formic acid) lowest | 8.889 °C (ethanol) distribution | | (based on 7 values; 1 unavailable)
median | 15 °C highest | 54.44 °C (formic acid) lowest | 8.889 °C (ethanol) distribution | | (based on 7 values; 1 unavailable)

Entity with missing value


Flash point rankings

1 | ethanol | 8.889 °C 2 | methanol | 11.11 °C 3 | isopropanol | 11.67 °C 4 | N-propanol | 15 °C 5 | 1-butanol | 35 °C 6 | acetic acid | 40 °C 7 | formic acid | 54.44 °C (based on 7 values; 1 unavailable)
1 | ethanol | 8.889 °C 2 | methanol | 11.11 °C 3 | isopropanol | 11.67 °C 4 | N-propanol | 15 °C 5 | 1-butanol | 35 °C 6 | acetic acid | 40 °C 7 | formic acid | 54.44 °C (based on 7 values; 1 unavailable)

Unit conversions for median flash point 15 °C

288.2 K (kelvins)
288.2 K (kelvins)
59 °F (degrees Fahrenheit)
59 °F (degrees Fahrenheit)
518.7 °R (degrees Rankine)
518.7 °R (degrees Rankine)
12 °Ré (degrees Réaumur)
12 °Ré (degrees Réaumur)
15.38 °Rø (degrees Rømer)
15.38 °Rø (degrees Rømer)

Comparison for median flash point 15 °C

0.5556 °C below temperature at STP (standard temperature and pressure), using the US customary convention (60 °F)
0.5556 °C below temperature at STP (standard temperature and pressure), using the US customary convention (60 °F)
≈ temperature at STP (standard temperature and pressure), using the convention of European and South American natural gas companies (15 °C)
≈ temperature at STP (standard temperature and pressure), using the convention of European and South American natural gas companies (15 °C)
1 °C above average surface temperature of the earth (14 °C)
1 °C above average surface temperature of the earth (14 °C)

Corresponding quantities

Thermodynamic energy E from E = kT:  | 25 meV (millielectronvolts)
Thermodynamic energy E from E = kT: | 25 meV (millielectronvolts)
Blackbody energy flux Φ from Φ = σT^4:  | 391 W/m^2 (watts per square meter)
Blackbody energy flux Φ from Φ = σT^4: | 391 W/m^2 (watts per square meter)
Approximate luminous exitance from a planar blackbody radiator perpendicular to its surface:  | 1.3×10^-22 lx (lux)
Approximate luminous exitance from a planar blackbody radiator perpendicular to its surface: | 1.3×10^-22 lx (lux)