
crystal system of connellite vs caysichite-(Y)

Input interpretation

connellite (mineral) | crystal system | caysichite-(Y) (mineral) | crystal system
connellite (mineral) | crystal system | caysichite-(Y) (mineral) | crystal system


hexagonal | orthorhombic
hexagonal | orthorhombic

Basic properties

 | hexagonal | orthorhombic crystal families | hexagonal | orthorhombic required symmetries | 1 6-fold rotation axis | 3 2-fold rotation axes or 1 2-fold rotation axis and 2 mirror planes Bravais lattices | 1 | 4 point groups | 7 | 3 space groups | 27 | 59
| hexagonal | orthorhombic crystal families | hexagonal | orthorhombic required symmetries | 1 6-fold rotation axis | 3 2-fold rotation axes or 1 2-fold rotation axis and 2 mirror planes Bravais lattices | 1 | 4 point groups | 7 | 3 space groups | 27 | 59

Lattice properties

 | hexagonal | orthorhombic lattice systems | hexagonal | orthorhombic Bravais lattices | simple hexagonal | simple orthorhombic | base orthorhombic | body-centered orthorhombic | face-centered orthorhombic angle relations | α = 90°, γ = 120° | α = β = γ = 90° edge relations | a!=c | a!=b!=c unit cell volume | 1/2 sqrt(3) a^2 c | a b c
| hexagonal | orthorhombic lattice systems | hexagonal | orthorhombic Bravais lattices | simple hexagonal | simple orthorhombic | base orthorhombic | body-centered orthorhombic | face-centered orthorhombic angle relations | α = 90°, γ = 120° | α = β = γ = 90° edge relations | a!=c | a!=b!=c unit cell volume | 1/2 sqrt(3) a^2 c | a b c

Corresponding symmetry groups

 | hexagonal | orthorhombic crystal class | hexagonal pyramidal | trigonal dipyramidal | hexagonal dipyramidal | hexagonal trapezoidal | dihexagonal pyramidal | ditrigonal dipyramidal | dihexagonal dipyramidal | orthorhombic sphenoidal | orthorhombic pyramidal | orthorhombic bipyramidal Schönflies point groups | {C_6, C_3h, C_6h, D_6, C_6v, D_3h, D_6h} | {D_2, C_2v, D_2h} Hermann-Mauguin point groups | 6 | 6^_ | 6/m | 622 | 6mm | 6^_m2 | 6/mmm | 222 | mm2 | mmm IUCr space group number | 168 | 169 | 170 | 171 | 172 | 173 | 174 | 175 | 176 | 177 | ... (total: 27) | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | ... (total: 59) Hermann-Mauguin space groups | P6 | P6_1 | P6_5 | P6_262 | P6_464 | P6_3 | P6^_ | P6/m | P6_3/m | P622 | ... (total: 27) | P222 | P222_1 | P2_12_12 | P2_12_12_1 | C222_1 | C222 | F222 | I222 | I2_12_12_1 | Pmm2 | ... (total: 59)
| hexagonal | orthorhombic crystal class | hexagonal pyramidal | trigonal dipyramidal | hexagonal dipyramidal | hexagonal trapezoidal | dihexagonal pyramidal | ditrigonal dipyramidal | dihexagonal dipyramidal | orthorhombic sphenoidal | orthorhombic pyramidal | orthorhombic bipyramidal Schönflies point groups | {C_6, C_3h, C_6h, D_6, C_6v, D_3h, D_6h} | {D_2, C_2v, D_2h} Hermann-Mauguin point groups | 6 | 6^_ | 6/m | 622 | 6mm | 6^_m2 | 6/mmm | 222 | mm2 | mmm IUCr space group number | 168 | 169 | 170 | 171 | 172 | 173 | 174 | 175 | 176 | 177 | ... (total: 27) | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 | 20 | 21 | 22 | 23 | 24 | 25 | ... (total: 59) Hermann-Mauguin space groups | P6 | P6_1 | P6_5 | P6_262 | P6_464 | P6_3 | P6^_ | P6/m | P6_3/m | P622 | ... (total: 27) | P222 | P222_1 | P2_12_12 | P2_12_12_1 | C222_1 | C222 | F222 | I222 | I2_12_12_1 | Pmm2 | ... (total: 59)