
discovery country of strontium

Input interpretation

strontium | discovery country
strontium | discovery country


United Kingdom
United Kingdom


full name | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland alternate names | Britain | Great Britain | UK | U.K. | British Isles nationality name | British ISO name | UNITED KINGDOM country code | GB internet code | .uk UN code | GBR UN number | 826 calling code | +44 license plate code | GB
full name | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland alternate names | Britain | Great Britain | UK | U.K. | British Isles nationality name | British ISO name | UNITED KINGDOM country code | GB internet code | .uk UN code | GBR UN number | 826 calling code | +44 license plate code | GB





Geographic properties

total area | 243610 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 81st) land area | 241930 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 81st) continent | Europe
total area | 243610 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 81st) land area | 241930 km^2 (square kilometers) (world rank: 81st) continent | Europe
annual-crop land fraction | 25.68% (world rank: 39th) natural resources | arable land | chalk | clay | coal | construction materials | gold | gypsum | iron | lead | natural gas | oil | potash | salt | silica | stone | tin | zinc coastline length | 12429 km (kilometers) (world rank: 13th) highest point | 1343 meters (Ben Nevis (mountain)) lowest point | -4 meters (The Fens) time zones | UTC
annual-crop land fraction | 25.68% (world rank: 39th) natural resources | arable land | chalk | clay | coal | construction materials | gold | gypsum | iron | lead | natural gas | oil | potash | salt | silica | stone | tin | zinc coastline length | 12429 km (kilometers) (world rank: 13th) highest point | 1343 meters (Ben Nevis (mountain)) lowest point | -4 meters (The Fens) time zones | UTC

Bordering country/region

Ireland 360 km (kilometers)
Ireland 360 km (kilometers)


Anguilla | Bermuda | British Indian Ocean Territory | British Virgin Islands | Cayman Islands | Falkland Islands | Gibraltar | Guernsey | Isle of Man | Jersey | Montserrat | Pitcairn Islands | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | Turks and Caicos Islands
Anguilla | Bermuda | British Indian Ocean Territory | British Virgin Islands | Cayman Islands | Falkland Islands | Gibraltar | Guernsey | Isle of Man | Jersey | Montserrat | Pitcairn Islands | Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha | South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | Turks and Caicos Islands


population | 67.5 million people (world rank: 21st) (2019 estimate) population density | 279 people/km^2 (people per square kilometer) (world rank: 53rd) (2019 estimate) population growth | 0.561 %/yr (world rank: 159th) (2019 estimate) life expectancy | 80.9 years (world rank: 39th) (2018 estimate) median age | 40.2 years (world rank: 35th) (2015 estimate)
population | 67.5 million people (world rank: 21st) (2019 estimate) population density | 279 people/km^2 (people per square kilometer) (world rank: 53rd) (2019 estimate) population growth | 0.561 %/yr (world rank: 159th) (2019 estimate) life expectancy | 80.9 years (world rank: 39th) (2018 estimate) median age | 40.2 years (world rank: 35th) (2015 estimate)


annual births | 806368 people per year (world rank: 36th) (2017 estimate) birth rate fraction | 0.0122 people per person per year (world rank: 166th) (2017 estimate) annual deaths | 595364 people per year (world rank: 18th) (2017 estimate) death rate fraction | 0.00899 people per person per year (world rank: 61st) (2017 estimate) net migration per capita | +0.003946 people per person per year (world rank: 26th) (2017 estimate) total fertility rate | 1.8 children per female (world rank: 155th) (2016 estimate)
annual births | 806368 people per year (world rank: 36th) (2017 estimate) birth rate fraction | 0.0122 people per person per year (world rank: 166th) (2017 estimate) annual deaths | 595364 people per year (world rank: 18th) (2017 estimate) death rate fraction | 0.00899 people per person per year (world rank: 61st) (2017 estimate) net migration per capita | +0.003946 people per person per year (world rank: 26th) (2017 estimate) total fertility rate | 1.8 children per female (world rank: 155th) (2016 estimate)


 | child | adult | elderly | all male | 8.689% | 31.58% | 9.049% | 49.31% female | 8.93% | 32.45% | 9.301% | 50.69% all | 17.62% | 64.03% | 18.35% | 100%
| child | adult | elderly | all male | 8.689% | 31.58% | 9.049% | 49.31% female | 8.93% | 32.45% | 9.301% | 50.69% all | 17.62% | 64.03% | 18.35% | 100%

Cultural properties

languages | English (96%) | Welsh (0.84%) | Scots (0.16%) | Irish (0.16%) | Angloromani (0.15%) | Scottish Gaelic (0.097%) | British Sign Language (0.066%) | French (0.023%) | Japanese (0.02%) | Cornish (< 0.01%) | ... ethnic mix | English (77%) | Scottish (7.9%) | Welsh (4.5%) | Northern Irish (2.7%) | black (2%) | Indian (1.8%) | other (1.6%) | Pakistani (1.3%) | mixed (1.2%) religions | Christianity (82%) | Islam (2.2%) | Hinduism (0.81%) | Judaism (0.52%) | Sikhism (0.39%) | Buddhism (0.28%) | Zoroastrianism (0.15%) | Spiritism (0.12%) literacy rate | 99% (2003 estimate)
languages | English (96%) | Welsh (0.84%) | Scots (0.16%) | Irish (0.16%) | Angloromani (0.15%) | Scottish Gaelic (0.097%) | British Sign Language (0.066%) | French (0.023%) | Japanese (0.02%) | Cornish (< 0.01%) | ... ethnic mix | English (77%) | Scottish (7.9%) | Welsh (4.5%) | Northern Irish (2.7%) | black (2%) | Indian (1.8%) | other (1.6%) | Pakistani (1.3%) | mixed (1.2%) religions | Christianity (82%) | Islam (2.2%) | Hinduism (0.81%) | Judaism (0.52%) | Sikhism (0.39%) | Buddhism (0.28%) | Zoroastrianism (0.15%) | Spiritism (0.12%) literacy rate | 99% (2003 estimate)

Ethnic mix

Cultural properties Ethnic mix
Cultural properties Ethnic mix


Cultural properties Religions
Cultural properties Religions

Capital city

London, Greater London
London, Greater London

Largest cities

city | population London, Greater London | 8.674 million people Birmingham | 1.123 million people Leeds | 766399 people Glasgow | 598830 people Bradford | 522452 people Manchester | 520215 people Sheffield | 518090 people Liverpool | 513441 people Leicester | 464395 people Bristol | 449300 people (2001, 2004, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, and 2016 estimates)
city | population London, Greater London | 8.674 million people Birmingham | 1.123 million people Leeds | 766399 people Glasgow | 598830 people Bradford | 522452 people Manchester | 520215 people Sheffield | 518090 people Liverpool | 513441 people Leicester | 464395 people Bristol | 449300 people (2001, 2004, 2006, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2014, 2015, and 2016 estimates)


currency unit | £1 (British pound) currency code | GBP local currency conversion | £1 (British pound) = €1.10 (euros) currency conversion | £1 (British pound) = $1.30 (US dollars)
currency unit | £1 (British pound) currency code | GBP local currency conversion | £1 (British pound) = €1.10 (euros) currency conversion | £1 (British pound) = $1.30 (US dollars)

Economic properties

GDP | $2.827 trillion per year (world rank: 6th) (2019 estimate) GDP at parity | $3.255 trillion per year (world rank: 9th) (2019 estimate) real GDP | $2.92 trillion per year (world rank: 7th) (2019 estimate) GDP per capita | $42300 per year per person (world rank: 33rd) (2019 estimate) GDP real growth | +1.409% per year (world rank: 156th) (2019 estimate) Gini index | 0.348 (world rank: 57th) (2016 estimate) consumer price inflation | +1.74% per year (world rank: 118th) (2019 estimate)
GDP | $2.827 trillion per year (world rank: 6th) (2019 estimate) GDP at parity | $3.255 trillion per year (world rank: 9th) (2019 estimate) real GDP | $2.92 trillion per year (world rank: 7th) (2019 estimate) GDP per capita | $42300 per year per person (world rank: 33rd) (2019 estimate) GDP real growth | +1.409% per year (world rank: 156th) (2019 estimate) Gini index | 0.348 (world rank: 57th) (2016 estimate) consumer price inflation | +1.74% per year (world rank: 118th) (2019 estimate)


unemployment rate | 3.85% (world rank: 151st highest) (2019 estimate) long-term unemployment rate | 2.18% (world rank: 60th highest) (2014 estimate) labor force | 34.53 million people (51.62% of population) (world rank: 17th) (2019 estimate)
unemployment rate | 3.85% (world rank: 151st highest) (2019 estimate) long-term unemployment rate | 2.18% (world rank: 60th highest) (2014 estimate) labor force | 34.53 million people (51.62% of population) (world rank: 17th) (2019 estimate)

Labor force information

primary education | 5.544 million people (world rank: 24th) (2014 estimate) secondary education | 13.91 million people (world rank: 11th) (2014 estimate) tertiary education | 13.28 million people (world rank: 6th) (2014 estimate)
primary education | 5.544 million people (world rank: 24th) (2014 estimate) secondary education | 13.91 million people (world rank: 11th) (2014 estimate) tertiary education | 13.28 million people (world rank: 6th) (2014 estimate)

Employment information

agriculture | 343295 people (world rank: 102nd) (2019 estimate) industry | 5.94 million people (world rank: 21st) (2019 estimate) services | 26.9 million people (world rank: 12th) (2019 estimate)
agriculture | 343295 people (world rank: 102nd) (2019 estimate) industry | 5.94 million people (world rank: 21st) (2019 estimate) services | 26.9 million people (world rank: 12th) (2019 estimate)

Business information

Business taxes

total business tax rate | 30.6% of profit (world rank: 129th) (2019 estimate) number of business taxes | 9 (world rank: 137th) (2019 estimate)
total business tax rate | 30.6% of profit (world rank: 129th) (2019 estimate) number of business taxes | 9 (world rank: 137th) (2019 estimate)

Business statistics

new businesses registered | 664974 per year (17.66% of total businesses) (world rank: 2nd) (2018 estimate) total registered businesses | 2.546 million (world rank: 6th) (2007 estimate)
new businesses registered | 664974 per year (17.66% of total businesses) (world rank: 2nd) (2018 estimate) total registered businesses | 2.546 million (world rank: 6th) (2007 estimate)

Business operating costs

typical cost of business start up procedures | 0% of GNI per capita (world rank: 1st lowest) (2019 estimate)
typical cost of business start up procedures | 0% of GNI per capita (world rank: 1st lowest) (2019 estimate)

Business procedures

typical time required to register property | 21.5 days (world rank: 66th lowest) (2019 estimate) typical time required to start a business | 4.5 days (world rank: 24th lowest) (2019 estimate) typical time required to build a warehouse | 86 days (world rank: 24th lowest) (2019 estimate) typical time required to enforce a contract | 437 days (world rank: 40th lowest) (2019 estimate) time to prepare and pay taxes | 114 hours (world rank: 30th lowest) (2019 estimate) time to resolve insolvency | 1 year (world rank: 10th lowest) (2019 estimate)
typical time required to register property | 21.5 days (world rank: 66th lowest) (2019 estimate) typical time required to start a business | 4.5 days (world rank: 24th lowest) (2019 estimate) typical time required to build a warehouse | 86 days (world rank: 24th lowest) (2019 estimate) typical time required to enforce a contract | 437 days (world rank: 40th lowest) (2019 estimate) time to prepare and pay taxes | 114 hours (world rank: 30th lowest) (2019 estimate) time to resolve insolvency | 1 year (world rank: 10th lowest) (2019 estimate)

Trade facilitation

typical cost to export one container | $1005 (US dollars) (world rank: 65th lowest) (2014 estimate) typical cost to import one container | $1050 (US dollars) (world rank: 59th lowest) (2014 estimate) typical documents required per export shipment | 4 (world rank: 20th lowest) (2014 estimate) typical documents required per import shipment | 4 (world rank: 15th lowest) (2014 estimate)
typical cost to export one container | $1005 (US dollars) (world rank: 65th lowest) (2014 estimate) typical cost to import one container | $1050 (US dollars) (world rank: 59th lowest) (2014 estimate) typical documents required per export shipment | 4 (world rank: 20th lowest) (2014 estimate) typical documents required per import shipment | 4 (world rank: 15th lowest) (2014 estimate)

Media and telecommunications

Telecommunications information

telephone lines | 31.92 million (world rank: 7th) (2018 estimate) mobile cellular subscriptions | 79.47 million (world rank: 21st) (2018 estimate) internet usage | 63.07 million people (94.9% of population) (world rank: 13th) (2018 estimate) fixed broadband internet subscribers | 26.59 million people (world rank: 8th) (2018 estimate) average broadband upload rate | 1.8 Mb/s (megabits per second) (world rank: 59th) (2011 estimate) average broadband download rate | 10.6 Mb/s (megabits per second) (world rank: 34th) (2011 estimate) secure internet servers | 2.405 million (world rank: 3rd) (2019 estimate)
telephone lines | 31.92 million (world rank: 7th) (2018 estimate) mobile cellular subscriptions | 79.47 million (world rank: 21st) (2018 estimate) internet usage | 63.07 million people (94.9% of population) (world rank: 13th) (2018 estimate) fixed broadband internet subscribers | 26.59 million people (world rank: 8th) (2018 estimate) average broadband upload rate | 1.8 Mb/s (megabits per second) (world rank: 59th) (2011 estimate) average broadband download rate | 10.6 Mb/s (megabits per second) (world rank: 34th) (2011 estimate) secure internet servers | 2.405 million (world rank: 3rd) (2019 estimate)

Media information

daily newspaper circulation | 17.38 million (world rank: 6th) (2004 estimate) radio stations | 905 (world rank: 8th) (2008 estimate) FM radio stations | 696 (world rank: 6th) (2008 estimate) television receivers | 30.5 million (world rank: 9th) (1997 estimate) television stations | 940 (world rank: 4th) (2008 estimate)
daily newspaper circulation | 17.38 million (world rank: 6th) (2004 estimate) radio stations | 905 (world rank: 8th) (2008 estimate) FM radio stations | 696 (world rank: 6th) (2008 estimate) television receivers | 30.5 million (world rank: 9th) (1997 estimate) television stations | 940 (world rank: 4th) (2008 estimate)


Vehicles in use

passenger cars | 27.5 million cars (2005 estimate) trucks and vans | 3.4 million vehicles (2005 estimate) buses | 178000 buses (2005 estimate) motorcycles | 1.2 million motorcycles (2005 estimate) vehicles in use | 32.3 million vehicles (517 vehicles per thousand people) (2005 estimate)
passenger cars | 27.5 million cars (2005 estimate) trucks and vans | 3.4 million vehicles (2005 estimate) buses | 178000 buses (2005 estimate) motorcycles | 1.2 million motorcycles (2005 estimate) vehicles in use | 32.3 million vehicles (517 vehicles per thousand people) (2005 estimate)

Fuel information

pump price for gasoline | $1.46/L (world rank: 20th) (2016 estimate) pump price for diesel fuel | $1.49/L (world rank: 7th) (2016 estimate) road sector gasoline fuel consumption | 13895 metric kilotons of oil equivalent (219.7 metric kilotons of oil equivalent/person) (world rank: 13th) (2011 estimate) road sector diesel fuel consumption | 22402 metric kilotons of oil equivalent (354.1 metric kilotons of oil equivalent/person) (world rank: 9th) (2011 estimate)
pump price for gasoline | $1.46/L (world rank: 20th) (2016 estimate) pump price for diesel fuel | $1.49/L (world rank: 7th) (2016 estimate) road sector gasoline fuel consumption | 13895 metric kilotons of oil equivalent (219.7 metric kilotons of oil equivalent/person) (world rank: 13th) (2011 estimate) road sector diesel fuel consumption | 22402 metric kilotons of oil equivalent (354.1 metric kilotons of oil equivalent/person) (world rank: 9th) (2011 estimate)

Road network

length of motorways | 3600 km (kilometers) (2006 estimate) length of highways | 46800 km (kilometers) (2006 estimate) length of other road types | 233400 km (kilometers) (2006 estimate) length of other road types | 233400 km (kilometers) (2006 estimate) total road length | 398400 km (kilometers) (2006 estimate)
length of motorways | 3600 km (kilometers) (2006 estimate) length of highways | 46800 km (kilometers) (2006 estimate) length of other road types | 233400 km (kilometers) (2006 estimate) length of other road types | 233400 km (kilometers) (2006 estimate) total road length | 398400 km (kilometers) (2006 estimate)

Road transport

goods carried by roads | 153 billion t km/yr (metric ton-kilometers per year) (world rank: 14th) (2011 estimate) road passengers | 708 billion person km/yr (person kilometers per year) (world rank: 6th) (2011 estimate)
goods carried by roads | 153 billion t km/yr (metric ton-kilometers per year) (world rank: 14th) (2011 estimate) road passengers | 708 billion person km/yr (person kilometers per year) (world rank: 6th) (2011 estimate)


public education spending | 5.487% of GDP (world rank: 42nd) (2016 estimate) students | 11.91 million people (18.83% of population) (world rank: 23rd) (2011 estimate) teachers | 702817 people (world rank: 18th) (2017 estimate)
public education spending | 5.487% of GDP (world rank: 42nd) (2016 estimate) students | 11.91 million people (18.83% of population) (world rank: 23rd) (2011 estimate) teachers | 702817 people (world rank: 18th) (2017 estimate)


primary school | 4.82 million people (world rank: 31st) (2017 estimate) secondary school | 6.386 million people (world rank: 17th) (2017 estimate) college | 2.492 million people (world rank: 15th) (2011 estimate)
primary school | 4.82 million people (world rank: 31st) (2017 estimate) secondary school | 6.386 million people (world rank: 17th) (2017 estimate) college | 2.492 million people (world rank: 15th) (2011 estimate)


primary school | 318533 people (world rank: 15th) (2017 estimate) secondary school | 384284 people (world rank: 17th) (2017 estimate)
primary school | 318533 people (world rank: 15th) (2017 estimate) secondary school | 384284 people (world rank: 17th) (2017 estimate)

Duration of educational stages

standard starting age | 5 years (world rank: 184th) (2019 estimate) primary school duration | 6 years (world rank: 27th) (2019 estimate) secondary school duration | 7 years (world rank: 23rd) (2019 estimate) total school duration | 13 years (world rank: 2nd) (2019 estimate)
standard starting age | 5 years (world rank: 184th) (2019 estimate) primary school duration | 6 years (world rank: 27th) (2019 estimate) secondary school duration | 7 years (world rank: 23rd) (2019 estimate) total school duration | 13 years (world rank: 2nd) (2019 estimate)

Education flow

fraction of children starting primary school (gross) | 98.09% of grade-1-aged children (world rank: 138th) (2017 estimate) fraction of children starting primary school (net) | 95.01% of grade-1-aged children (world rank: 21st) (2017 estimate) persistence to grade 5 | 99.77% of students enrolled in grade 1 (world rank: 4th) (2016 estimate) persistence to last grade of primary | 99.75% of students enrolled in grade 1 (world rank: 7th) (2016 estimate) fraction of students completing primary school | 100.1% of graduation-age children (world rank: 56th) (2017 estimate) fraction of students repeating a primary school grade | 0% of primary school students (world rank: 186th) (2012 estimate) progression to secondary school | 99.98% of students completing primary school (world rank: 4th) (2016 estimate)
fraction of children starting primary school (gross) | 98.09% of grade-1-aged children (world rank: 138th) (2017 estimate) fraction of children starting primary school (net) | 95.01% of grade-1-aged children (world rank: 21st) (2017 estimate) persistence to grade 5 | 99.77% of students enrolled in grade 1 (world rank: 4th) (2016 estimate) persistence to last grade of primary | 99.75% of students enrolled in grade 1 (world rank: 7th) (2016 estimate) fraction of students completing primary school | 100.1% of graduation-age children (world rank: 56th) (2017 estimate) fraction of students repeating a primary school grade | 0% of primary school students (world rank: 186th) (2012 estimate) progression to secondary school | 99.98% of students completing primary school (world rank: 4th) (2016 estimate)

Health care

health spending | $2969 per person per year (US dollars per year per person) (purchasing power parity adjusted) (2007 estimate) physicians per capita | 2.29 people per 1000 people hospital beds | 3.9 per 1000 people (2004 estimate)
health spending | $2969 per person per year (US dollars per year per person) (purchasing power parity adjusted) (2007 estimate) physicians per capita | 2.29 people per 1000 people hospital beds | 3.9 per 1000 people (2004 estimate)

UN Human Development Index

health | 0.936 (world rank: 27th) education | 0.896 (world rank: 10th) living standards | 0.897 (world rank: 25th) total | 0.91 (world rank: 16th) (2015 estimate)
health | 0.936 (world rank: 27th) education | 0.896 (world rank: 10th) living standards | 0.897 (world rank: 25th) total | 0.91 (world rank: 16th) (2015 estimate)

Wikipedia summary

The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK or U.K.) or Britain, is a sovereign country located off the north­western coast of the European mainland. The United Kingdom includes the island of Great Britain, the north­eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands. Northern Ireland shares a land border with the Republic of Ireland. Otherwise, the United Kingdom is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea to the east, the English Channel to the south and the Celtic Sea to the southwest, giving it the 12th-longest coastline in the world. The Irish Sea separates Great Britain and Ireland. The total area of the United Kingdom is 94, 000 square miles (240, 000 km^2).
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, commonly known as the United Kingdom (UK or U.K.) or Britain, is a sovereign country located off the north­western coast of the European mainland. The United Kingdom includes the island of Great Britain, the north­eastern part of the island of Ireland, and many smaller islands. Northern Ireland shares a land border with the Republic of Ireland. Otherwise, the United Kingdom is surrounded by the Atlantic Ocean, with the North Sea to the east, the English Channel to the south and the Celtic Sea to the southwest, giving it the 12th-longest coastline in the world. The Irish Sea separates Great Britain and Ireland. The total area of the United Kingdom is 94, 000 square miles (240, 000 km^2).